Things Change

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Jaylens Pov

I walked down to the park to clear my head.Everything in me wanted to give up on this shit and I'm definitely starting to see how this celebrity life is getting in his head.

"Hey"I heard some guy say,I looked up and saw a cute brown skin nigga smiling at me.

"Hey"I said back

"I never seen you here before"

"Just here for the holiday"I said

"Aw,I'm Tae"He said stretching his hand out

"Jay"I said shaking his hand

"And I'm Derrick"I heard Derrick say behind me

"Oh,What's up"Tae said nodding his head

"I been looking for you"Derrick said to me,The looked at me

"Sorry,I ain't know she was with someone"He walked off

"Wat do you want"I asked

"To talk about what happened back there"

"I have nothing to say about it"I said as we walked to the bench and sat down

"I don't understand how he could do that and think that I'm supposed to be Ok with it"I said shaking my head

"You right,And you not supposed to be ok with it but you do supposed to let him know how you feel about that"I smacked my lips

"Derrick he knows how I feel about the shit,I specifically told him not to bring her on the trip,he still did,I told him not to invite the bitch to the house and he still did,He don't care how I feel about shit"I said annoyed

"Jay Chris is gonna do what you allow him to,Us niggas sometimes don't think about how our girls feel but how we feel at the moment and sometimes we can care when it's too late"

"Your right but after everything we been through ,Me having to constantly deal with his past issues and his exes,I try so hard not to let petty shit like that interfere with our relationship because at the end of the day we have a son and I'm over the past"He nodded

"Well do you love him"He asked

"Of course I do,I love him with all my heart,I just don't think I can take this disrespectful shit anymore"

"Well I think y'all need to talk and see where your relationship is before y'all do anything"I nodded as we both stood up

"Thanx Derrick"I said smiling and giving him a hug

"No problem"He said

We walked around for about an hour and headed back to the house.

When we walked in Bree and Alonna was sitting on the couch.

"Jay,Where tf were you"Alonna asked

"At the park then we walked around for a while"I said sitting on the couch and laying my head in Alonna's shoulder

"Where's Chris"I asked

"Upstairs,helping Zayden put together his Batman set thing"

"She still here"I asked

"Nah,She went back to the hotel"Bree said,I sighed

"I know you and Chris need to talk so Zayden can sleep with us tonight"Bree said

"Nah,We'll talk tomorrow,What I'm about to do is get in the shower,Fix me something to eat and sleep in Nicki room"Nicki walked in

"What about Nicki"She asked

"I'm sleeping with you tonight love"She smiled

"Awe shit,Ok,If y'all hear moaning later tonight just mind yo business"We all laughed

"Nicki you play so much"I said sitting up

I walked to the kitchen and Derrick was fixing him a plate.I went in the freezer and took out some ice-cream and sat it on the counter.

"I see you ain't waste no time fixing you a plate"I said ok him

"You right,A nigga was hungry asf"He said laughing

"You good tho"He asked me

"Yea,I think we just need to separate ourselves for a few hours and we're gonna talk tomorrow"He nodded

"That's good,Well I'm hoping for the best cuz y'all relationship is gold and Tbh I don't think I've never seen a relationship last like y'all even tho y'all wasn't together for a while"

"Yea thanx cuz it's definitely hard work"I said eating my ice-cream

A few seconds later Chris walked in putting his plate in the sink and went to the refrigerator.

Derrick put his food in the microwave and left out the kitchen.I took the carton of ice cream as I started to walk out the kitchen but Chris called me

"So Jay we ain't go talk about this"He asked,I turned and looked at him

"Talk about what"

"About what happened"

"About how you embarrassed me?"He smacked his lips

"It wasn't like that babe I promise,I didn't think about it like that"

"Chris we're not gonna talk about this right now"

"Why not"He kind of yelled

"Because....I don't have the energy nor the strength to talk to you right now"I walked out going to Nicki's room.

I sat on the bed and let the tears fall down my face.

So much in me wanted to give up on this relationship but something wouldn't let me,J guess thinking about Zayden and imagining goin through this Shit with him again after he promised not to put me through it.

A few minutes later Nicki came in and laid next to me.

"You ok Poodah"She asked

"Idk Nicki,It's like I try so hard for nothing "she rubbed my head

"No you try hard for your family,Jay I know your afraid of becoming what yo mom and dad was and you feel like its gonna destroy your family"l but the way y'all live each other,I know that's not what y'all want to do"I nodded

"Your right,I just don't want Zayden in separate households and just see us not together anymore,My dream was to have a family and prove to mfs that I can have that"

"Trust me,I understand,You just need to sleep it and don't beat yourself up about it"I sighed

"Yea,Good night"I said turning over and dozing off into a deep sleep even think couldn't stop thinking about what I was gonna do because this Shit is hard.....



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