No Feelings

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3 months Later

It's been so hard having to put my modeling life on hold until the baby is born but that don't stop me from taking my pictures of every moment she's was inside my belly.

"Zayden go get your shoes"I said packing a bag.

Today we were  goin to the water park for his birthday.It was Chris idea and even tho I didn't wanna go and I still went because Zayden really wanted me to.

I had on a short comfortable sundress and some sandals because I wanted to be comfortable but it was cute at the same time.

I walked to the living room and Nicki,Alonna and Akeeya was sitting down talking.

"It's about time,You ready?"Nicki said standing up and taking my bag from me

"Yea"I said,Zayden grabbed my hand and I put his shoes in the bag as we left out.......

When we got to the park,I felt so fucking huge,I'm 8 months now and I tell you its hard looking at all these cute girls with a great bodies compared to my big ass.This was gonna be my second child so ain't no telling how my body was gonna look afterwards.

Alonna is do in 2 more months and she's having a boy.I was happy for her and Ty but I felt so fucking alone like this was gonna be the second time I'm goin through my pregnancy without Chris and I don't think he even give af.

He been letting Rihanna talk him into doin stupid shit and if I wasn't pregnant I would beat the shit out of that Bitch..

"Y'all finally here,Chris has us over here"Mariah said showing us to the pavilion all decorated and filled with gifts

I sat down and opened me a can of soda .

"So when are you due girl "Mariah said

"July 16th"I said

"Awwww,I thought you were gonna have a fall baby "I laughed

"Yea I did too,That's my favorite season but can deal with July"

"Where Chris at"Nicki asked

"Oh he went to go show Rihanna where to park"

"Mommy can I go in the water"Zayden asked

"Yea,Mariah can you take him"I asked

"Sure,Come on lil cutie"She said picking him up

"We coming too"Akeeya said holding Marcus's hand and following her

"So how y'all been since y'all moved in together"Nicki asked Alonna

"Girl he been getting on my nerves,Always making me stay in bed and I can't even go shopping if I want to,Like he don't want me doin Shit"Ty smacked his lips

"Because I don't want you to be stressed out ,It's not good for the baby"She rolled her eyes

"Well at least he care about you and the baby"I said smiling,Chris walked up

"Aye what's up y'all"He said sitting on the table next to Ty

"Wats good man"Ty said dapping him

He stared at me and I looked away.....

"Hey Jay,Can we talk for a minute"He asked

"Nah,I don't wanna talk"He smacked his lips

"Well can y'all give us a minute anyway please"He asked them,Everybody got up except Nicki and Alonna who looked at him then me,I nodded for them to go.

"Look I don't want it to be awkward for us to talk or be around each other"He said

"Ok"I said not caring

"Jay,Why you acting like this"I stared at him

"Did you forget that you asked me for a DNA test because I didn't,I can't believe you would try to go that fucking low"He smacked his lips

"I just did that shit to hurt you,You know I wasn't serious"

"Hurt me for what,what the fuck did I ever do to for you to want to hurt me like that"I shook my head and got up

"Chris,Go to hell"I said before walking over to the water where Zayden were.

I'm so over him and this whole situation,I don't even care about shit he do because at this point my feelings for him were long gone............

Chris Pov

I watched her walk off,I can't say I aint miss her or I didn't know I fucked up because I did.I've been trying to be the best I can and do what I can to make this situation better but she wanna make shit hard and on top of that I already knew the blogs and shit been saying shit.

"Babe I told you to wait for me"Rihanna said walking up in a 2 piece bathing suit that showed her ass and basically her pussy.

"Nah you go take that shit off,I told you not to wear that"

"No you told me not to wear the blue one that shows my titties"She laughed ,I shook my head

"This my son fucking Birthday party so either yo ass change or you can go back to the hotel"She rolled her eyes walking off

I'm so tired of this shit like everytime I try to fix it she always find a way to make me feel worse than I already do but it's watever man cause I'm done kissing her ass.

I went where Zayden was and took him on some of the water rides......

After at least 3 hours they went back to the house while me and Rihanna went back to the hotel.

"We leaving already?"Rihanna asked while I packed

"Yea,I just wanted to spend a some time with my son for his birthday before I go to Chicago for my show"

"You wanna talk about it"She asked

"No,Just pack so we can catch the next flight"I said

She did as told and I waited at least an hour for us to leave.......

Jaylen's Pov

When we got home I laid in the bed,My entire body was exhausted and plus I didn't get any sleep.

Everyone else took Zayden to the carnival so I could get some rest while Nicki and Alonna stayed with me.

"Jay you got some more vitamins,I'm all out"Alonna said

"Yea,On the dresser over there"I pointed

She got them and sat on the bed next to me.

"So are you nervous?"She asked

"What?,About the baby"She nodded

"I was at first but I guess thinking about how it was with Zayden I don't have much to worry about "She sighed

"I ain't gonna lie,I'm nervous asf because this my first baby and I'm scared of how much it's gonna hurt"I sat up

"I was like that before but trust me its not as bad as you think,When I was in labor all I thought about was holding him and getting it over with ,once he was out the pain was gone,When you look at your child after birth you don't even see anyone else for that moment,You just look at them and realize that you have created such a beautiful thing"She smiled thinking about that moment with Zayden,I hugged her

"Idk what I would do without yo crazy ass"She said laughing

"I love you too"I said

"I'm gonna go fix us something to eat"I nodded

I laid back down and rubbed my stomach thinking about my baby girl.

I've decided to name her Zania (Zah-Nih-Ahh) Aaliyah Brown because I wanted her name to start with a Z like Zayden and I gave her Chris last name because I wanted her to have a part of him.

All I really wanted right now was to be cuddled up next to him and have him rubbing my belly while we talked about our family together.

This was gonna be the second time dealing with my pregnancy without him and I had to admit the shit hurt because I still loved him but I couldn't get over the fact that he fucked Rihanna and basically rubbed the shit in my face but everything happens for a reason I guess.............

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