My Time

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Jaylen's Pov

The next morning I was so fucking excited for my photoshoot I was rushing.Alonna was going with me and I was glad because she was calming my nerves.

The drive was only 20 minutes and pulled up in front of a tall building.When we walked in we were greeted professionally by a lady who offered us something to drink and other things while taking us to the place I suppose to be.

"Jaylen,Your here"A well dressed dark skinned older guy said walking to us and giving me a hug

"Hey Vinny,This is my friend Alonna"He looked at her and smiled

"Nice to meet you"He said shaking her hand

"So Jaylen are you ready"He asked me

"Yes"He walked me to the room
to get dressed

"Ok so we have the clothes labeled by numbers,so when we change scenarios just go by the numbers,This is Taylor,she's going to be adjusting the clothes for you since we didn't have much time"Vinny said ,nodded

"And as far as hair and makeup ,we will have someone here in 5 minutes"

"Ok great"I said

While they did my hair and makeup I was trying to keep myself from being nervous.I took a few pics before getting dressed.

During the shoot I was completely comfortable and calm just the environment all together was full of amazing energy

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During the shoot I was completely comfortable and calm just the environment all together was full of amazing energy.Usually I would be ready to leave but I asked if I can do a few more sets just for me and my modeling profolio and he said I could.

Alonna just stood to the side being supportive,I asked her to take a few pics with me but she didn't want to.

About 2 hours later we were done and I was tired but full of energy at the same time.We got in the car and I started it up to let the car warm up.

"So where you wanna go"I asked Alonna,She shrugged

"Alonna for real,What's going on with you,You haven't been yourself lately"She took a deep breath before talking

"I'm pregnant,6 weeks to be exact"She said

"Wh-What,When did you find out "

"I found out a couple days ago and I wanted to tell Ty first but I didn't know how"I gave her a hug

"Awe Shit my bestie pregnant,I'm happy for you"I said whining tears from my eyes,She smacked her lips

"Jay don't start"I laughed

"Well do you wanna tell him today"I asked

"Yea"She said.............

Chris Pov

"Daddy can I have this"Zayden said picking up a toy I was supposed to be wrapping.

"No,Go play in your room lil man"He put it down and went to his room

While Jay and them were gone I decided to put the tree up and wrap up some presents while they were gone.I kind of figured Jay can do the decorating because that's too much Shit for me.

My phone rung,I stood up and got it out my pocket and answered it.


"Hey Chris,Is it Ok if I stop by,I have some good news"Mariah said

"Uhhh,Sure'I said kind of hesitating

"Ok,I'll be there In 20 minutes"She said

"Aight"I hung up and started putting the presents under the tree and started to straighten up the house a lil bit.

Ty came over to hear about the news too.

A few minutes later I was sitting on the couch with Zayden and Ty playing the game when Mariah walked in,I stood up.

"Mfs don't knock in Cali huh"I asked,She laughed

"Oh,Sorry,I'm so use to it"She said

"You good,So what's up"I said as she walked all the way in,She held her phone up

"Y'all single Ayo is number one right now on iTunes"She said,me and Ty dapped

"Are you fucking serious"I said looking at the article ok her phone

"Yes and we already getting calls for y'all to do a couple performances,just one set no full shows so you get to rest "I smiled I got up looking at her phone

Jaylen's Pov

We walked in hearing loud talking and laughing,Chris,Ty,Mariah,Shad and Bree were sitting in the dinning room

"Jay!,girl you look so fucking good"Bree said hopping up and hugging me

"Hey,What's going on"I asked,Chris walked over to me

"Our song went number 1"He said,I smiled and hugged him

"Congratulations babe"I said giving him a kiss

"Congrats to you too Ty"He laughed

"Thanx"Alonna walked over and sat on his lap

"So what does this mean"I asked

"Well this means that they need to get started on their album immediately"Mariah said

"Do they have to leave New York for that"Alonna asked

"No,I have our producer flying here this weekend"I sighed in relief

"Well we should definitely fucking celebrate"Shad said

"Hell yea,A party at my place then"Bree said

"Ok,We can do the planning later because right now I'm starving and have so much to do already "I said

"Yea,Y'all staying for dinner"Chris asked them

"Free food?,Hell yea"Shad said,Bree pushed him

"Mariah you staying"Chris asked

"Oh,I don't wanna intrude your family dinner"She said

"Nah,It's cool,Besides its a celebration and since your apart of it you're more then welcome to stay"She smiled


"Umm Michael can I talk to you in the room for a minute"Alonna asked him

"Yea,We'll be back"He said getting up taking her hand

I was so nervous for Alonna,I didn't know how Ty was gonna react but either way I got her back just like she had mines.

"Well I'm gonna start cooking if anyone wants to help"I said taking off my coat.

"Don't everybody volunteer at once"I said

"You know I'll help you"Bree said as we walked to the kitchen......

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