Win Or Lose

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Jaylen's Pov

A month later

For the past month I been in this house getting the rest I needed to be less stressed ,I was a little scared to go anywhere because I was due any day now.

Akeeya got a job at a hotel she really been helping a lot since I couldn't do much.

The girls planned a baby shower for me last week and it was beautiful to have all my friends there.Even Honey,Heather and some of my high school friends showed up.

I've been so grateful to have them in my life because the only family in my life is my dad and his wife.

My mom don't talk to me because she says I'm following in her footsteps of being a single mom and of course she's still defending Latrice.

I haven't talked to Latrice since Thanksgiving when that shit happened so to have Alonna and them by my side right now was definitely a blessing.

Chris has not really been around,All he says is call him when I'm about to have the baby,I guess that's a sign that he has officially moved on.

I love Chris with all my heart but it's like I've seen him change right before my eyes.

The boy I fell I love with in high school was gone and I understood that we all grew up but the things I mainly loved about him weren't there anymore.

If anyone ask me why we break up or why we ain't together I would say it's complicated to explain because I really didn't know, One day we was good the next day everything is wrong but everything happens for a reason and I'm hoping it's for the best.

All I could do was think about my baby girl and how much she's gonna brighten up my world just as Zayden do everyday.

Nicki was doing my hair while I was holding Zayden who was asleep.

"How long you gonna keep this red"She asked

"Idk probably until after the baby "

"I'm thinking about going completely black"I said

"That's definitely different,I never see you with black"She said

After almost an hour she was finally done.I got up ans grabbed the flat irons to do my hair. On my way back to my room I felt liquid running down my leg then look at the clear puddle I was standing it.

"Zayden peed on you"Nicki said coming out my room,I felt pain coming from my stomach.

"No,I think my water just broke"I said laughing it off

"Shit,Akeeya get in here"She yelled as I sat back down.......

Chris Pov

I was just goin to sleep when Alonna called me and told me Jay was in labor.I got up and started packing and I hesitated on bringing Rihanna but decided to bring her anyway.

After our 4 hour flight back to New York,we went straight to the hospital from the airport.I told Rihanna to wait in the waiting room while I went to the room.

When I walked in Jay was asleep and Nicki and Alonna was sitting beside her.

"She still in labor?"I asked

"Yea,The doctor said she's only dilated 7 cm so it's gonna be a while"Alonna said,I sat down on the other side of the bed

"Where Zayden"I asked

"He with Akeeya in the play room"Nicki said

I saw Jay started to wake up,She stretched and looked at me

"When did you get here"She asked

"Like a few minutes ago,How she doin"I said rubbing her stomach

"Getting on my nerves already being stubborn"I laughed

"She get it from you"She smacked her lips

"Shut up"she made a face and touched her stomach

"You ok"I asked,She stared breathing taking deep breaths

"Should I go get the nurse"Alonna asked,She shook her head

"It's these fucking contractions"She said breathing through the pain

"You hungry"I asked

"Chris she can't eat nothing while in labor"Alonna laughed

"How I'm supposed to know that"I shrugged

"Just hold my hand"She said calmly ,I held on to her hand sitting in the chair next to the bed

I felt her hand shaking for a bit before she started crying in pain. It was killing me that I couldn't do shit to help but be there.

I felt her squeeze. T hand so fucking tight my ring cut through my shit.

"Damn Jay"I said taking my ring off

"Go get the nurse please"She said

"Wait what's happening"I said panicking

"She's still having contractions"Nicki said

"What can I do"I asked

"Nothing but comfort her"She said bluntly

I had to admit I was nervous......

Jaylen's Pov

I started to feel the pain in my uterus and that was giving me a sign that she was ready to come.

By the look on his face I can tell he was more nervous and scared than me.  I was kind of happy he was here because it showed that he cared.

I started doing my breathing exercises but it didn't really help.The nurse came in and started counting my contractions before looking to see if I was at 10cm yet.

"Ok Jaylen,it's time girl"The girl said before going to get my doctor

The pain was so unbearable I could have sworn I probably almost broke Chris hand.

When it was time to push, it only took 3 and she was out.

When I heard my baby crying it was the best feeling in the world,I smiled before they even handed her to me.Chris kissed my forehead and I could see him tearing up .

This was the moment I been dying for but knowing me and Chris not together anymore to be a big happy family was sad....

A few moments later after they weighted her and cleaned her up,they gave her back to me.

"I'm so proud of you"Chris said,I smiled

"You wanna hold her"I asked,He nodded and I handed her to him

He sat in the chair and held her,The sight was so beautiful.I looked around and saw Alonna,Nicki and Akeeya taking pictures.

All of a sudden my breathing became faint and I started to feel pain in my chest.

The last thing I remember was hearing the heart monitor beep fast and the nurse coming towards me before I blacked out.

Chris Pov

I watched as the nurse ran over to Jay and the other nurse put my baby girl on the baby bed and pushed her out the room.

"What's going on"I asked

"I need you guys to leave the room please"The nurse said

"Why,What's wrong with her"Alonna asked crying but they didn't say anything

After we left the room,They made us wait in the waiting room and I couldn't stop pacing back on forth praying that she was gonna be Ok.

I loved Jay and it'll fucking kill me knowing what I did to her and put her through.She was now the mother of our 2 kids and the last thing I wanted to do was lose her.

All we could do at this moment was pray that everything was goin ok and that she was gonna be ok.

After an hour of them not telling us shit the doctor finally came out and walked over to us,I can tell something bad happened because he didn't make eye contact with none of us and I was just hoping and praying it wasn't the worst.

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