Not My Fault

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Jaylen's Pov

The next day

" I just dont know,why the fuck he mad at me like it happend to him,This is exactly why I didn't want to tell him"I said to Bree as me, her and Diamond walked to the park with Zayden and Alyssa

"He probably just mad because you didnt tell him from the jump,but I do get your side too because it didn't concern him and he wasn't in y'all life "Bree said,I sighed

"Exactly but you know how I feel about that shit tho,I dont wanna ever have to talk about it or think about it,Its bad enough I have to go through this court shit and all of this is just draining the fuck out of me"We sat on the bench as the kids went to play

"I know but put yourself in his shoes,what if he went through some rough shit and didnt tell you about it, and it was something important"Diamond said

"I get that but he didnt even wanna talk to me about it,he just stormed out on me"

"You know how Chris is,He problably needed time to think,I think you should call him or talk to him,Something"Bree said,I shook my head

"You my cousin and you always taking his side"I said,she smacked her lips

"I really don't Jay, you don't know how many times I told him about himself when it came to you, I just feel like this whole thing is about y'all both having feeling for each other and just looking for excuses not to act on them"She said,I shook my head laughing

"Now you a therapist"I said laughing more,She pushed me

"Shut up,I just know my shit"I nodded

"Ok I guess you right"I said,I looked at the time

"I gotta go,Diamond you got Zayden right"I asked

"Yea,I'll bring him tomorrow"I hugged and kissed Zayden before leaving

I had to meet Angelo at my house in a lil bit so as soon as I got in I fixed me something to eat and sat on the couch until I heard a knock on the door but before I could answer it they opened the  door.

Chris stood there taking his jacket off and throwing it on the couch and walking into the kitchen not saying a word to me so I walked into the kitchen.

"Hello,why are you here right now"He ignored me looking in the refrigerator

"Where Zay at"He asked,I folded my arms

"He staying with Diamond for the day,her daughter having a birthday party today"He took out some things to make a sandwhich

"Ok cool"He started to make a sandwhich

"So your really not gonna talk to me Chris,you can't be here right now"He ignored me

"Chris"I yelled,He looked up at me


"This is childish asl,why are you here,you didn't wanna answer none of my texts or calls so why the fuck are you here"He shrugged his shoulders

"Nah you not telling me about the shit was childish asl"He said back

"You didnt even let me fully explain why I didnt tell you,you just fucking left"I said irritated

"It dont matter no more,I'm over it so let's drop it"He said

"No we need to have a fucking understanding how ar-"

"Jay i said drop the shit aight"He yelled sternly

Some then knocked on the door,I rolled my eyes and went to answer it while wiping my tears that didn't fall

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