Something New Part 1

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Jaylen's Pov

Today we were leaving to go to L.A and I was happy to get away from this fucking snow for a while.

Since we were gonna be gone for a while Chris had his Aunt to check on the house every now and then.

Aniya couldn't come because she had the flu and Diamond couldn't come because of a family situation but she promised to be there for new year's.

I still wasn't talking to Chris,Since he told me about Rihanna meeting him in L.A to be one of his dancers,I tried to talk him out of it so many times but he already had his mind made up.

I had just finished making sure I had everything and they were packing the car that was gonna take us to the airport.

I took my last bag to the front door where Chris and Tyga was putting them in the car.

"We got everything"I asked Alonna looking around

"Yea"She said,We walked out and I locked the door behind us

Diamond took us to the airport and Bree and Derrick met us there.

When we landed it was humid and hot Asf and my dumb ass forgot to look at the weather.Chris Manager got us 3 rental cars to get to the house .

When we got there is was so beautiful

While the guys was taking the bags out the car we went inside to pick out our rooms.

"I know we have to have this fucking room"Alonna said

"So I'm gonna be in a room by myself?"Nicki asked

"Not really,I mean I'll sleep with you"I said

"Oh don't tell me that"Nicki said making us laugh

"You a mess"I said

Once we got settled in our rooms we went exploring and taking pictures.

We were  talking about what we wanted to do tonight but we just planned on staying in to relax

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We were talking about what we wanted to do tonight but we just planned on staying in to relax.

I was in the room packing when Chris walked in and sat on the bed.

"So you just gonna keep avoiding me"He said,I didn't say anything

"Jay come on"I looked at him

"Come on what"

"You still mad about that Shit"

"How would you feel if I invited my ex to L.A with us and He was gonna be in my photoshoots with me"

"Wym,That Shit dead"

"Exactly so why tf would I be ok with you bring her wss"He ain't say nothing

"I'm gonna get me something to eat"I started to get up but he grabbed my arm

"Jay,I love you and you know that,If you want me to call her and tell her she don't have to come I will"I rolled my eyes

"It's not about that Chris,It's the fact that you didn't tell me before,Knowing the issues we have you should have told me y'all even had the conversation,The shit just don't make since I don't care how you try to put it "

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