Long Time No See

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Chris Pov

This morning Kae called me and said we needed talk so i was meeting her at the water park but before i went i was gonna stop by Target and pick up a few things for Amanda like clothes and toys and shit because I havent seen her in a while and Tyga was goin with me.

When me and walked in he went straight tryna talk to girls and shit but while i was looking by the clothes i heard a familiar voice,I turned around and kept looking at girl as her back is turned but my eyes were stuck on her,She finally turned around i saw it was Jay.

Man she looked so fucking good it was hard to believe she was once mines until i fucked it up.She had on tan pants and a red shirt so i was kind of guessing she worked here or somewhere.

"Chris"Her soft voice said

"Hey Jay"I said smiling back,She looked down

She smiled as I leaned in to give her a hug.

Her familiar scent beautiful mixed with her perfume went to my nose giving me goosebumps as she hugged me tight. We pulled away and I just couldn't take my eyes off of her,I looked at her glowing and at the new tattoos she had.

I was just realizing I never let her hands go.

"You look so fucking good man"I said smiling

"Thank you,and so do you"Her soft voice said

"Hello Christopher"Alonna said holding Zayden

I walked over and gave her a hug before taking Zayden out her arm hugging him so tight.

"Where y'all headed"I asked looking at Jay

"Umm Chris we gotta go,Alonna can you get the groceries for my"Jay said giving Alonna her card and taking Zayden out my arms

I saw she was about to cry so I didn't stop her as they walked  away leaving me and Alonna standing there.

"I'm sorry Chris,it's a bit much for her right now"I nodded as I walked with Alonna to the register

I payed for all of their things and got some things for Amanda and was on my way to the water park after finding Tyga ass.

The whole 20 minute drive I just thought about her and it all made since why Bree didnt want me stopping by her house so often like i use to and why she never talked about Jay around me but to be honest,im not mad at her and i feel why she didnt tell me.

But i still wonder what the fuck is goin on.......................

Jaylen's Pov

After seeing Chris i was so overwhelmed with emotions i just didnt know what to do so I went to the car.

When Alonna came out and told me he paid for everything my heart just melted.

I know it looked bad on my part just leaving like that but I wasn't ready for that moment,I knew I was gonna see Chris sooner or later but I didn't think this soon. Seeing him made me feel like that little girl I was when we first met,and the way his hugs still gets to me made me really realize how much I missed him.

Alonna dropped us off at home and when i got in I put Zayden in the tub and put him to sleep while i took a shower,When i got out i put on my jogging shorts and a tank top leaving my hair down.

I put the groceries up and took out everything we got.

I had to work early in in the morning so i was basically calling it a night..

I laid in my bed just thinking about what else i could have done besides running off like that but to be honest Chris looked fine asl,completely different from he last time i saw him,now i see Zayden is a spitting image of him.

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