Wrong Idea

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Jaylen's Pov

4 months later

Me and Alonna been busy this past month with meetings about the photoshoots and fashion show. Chris been busy with his music shit but we always found time for each other.

The fashion show was this weekend and my family were coming to support me and I was happy and nervous at the same time.

"Jaylen can you come here "Chris said,I walked in the living room where he was sitting on the couch

"Yes"I said standing in front of him seeing him looking at pictures out of the envelope from our photo shoot.

"When we're you gonna tell me you took these"He said holding the pics up still looking at them

"I was gonna tell you when they came,It was suppose to be a surprise"I smiled but he didn't

"Shit like this is some how shit,the fuck you take pics like this for"He began to get mad

"Chris its not that serious, Me and Alonna took them in L.A and they were for you and Ty"He shook his head

"I don't want my fucking girl out here like that"I frowned

"What the fuck is ur problem,nobody else is gonna see them"I said folding my arms

"You always on some hoe shit,thats my problem"He ripped the pictures and threw them on the floor before walking out the front door

"You always on some hoe shit,thats my problem"He ripped the pictures and threw them on the floor before walking out the front door

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I sat on the floor and picked them up just laughing and crying through my anger.

"Mommy"I heard Zayden say,He sat next to me

"You crying"He said,I wiped my face

"I know baby,I'll be ok"I said

I don't know why Chris just blew up like that out of no where,and when he do shit like that it already tells me something else is going on.

My phone rung on the table,I answered

"Hey Aniya"I said sighing

"Is Chris there,I been calling him"

"No he just left"

"Well can you keep an eye on him,today is the anniversary of mama's death and he don't be doing good around this time at all"

" Shit I forgot,That's why he acted like that"I said to myself

"Ok Aniya,Imma call you later"

"Ok"She said hanging up


I dropped Zayden off at Bree house and went back home,I just really wanted to talk to Chris and let him know I'm here for him.

I showered before putting on my black boy shorts and sports bra with my hair I'm it's natural curls.

I did text Chris a few times just letting him know I was home if he wanted to talk. I can understand his emotions because this is my first time being around since his mom passed and I just overall wanted him to know he wasnt alone this time.

It was 3 in the morning and Chris was just walking in the door,He came in and stared at me as I sat on the couch,His eyes were red and  he looked like he been crying for hours.

"Look Jay,I'm sorry about earlier I just had a lot of shit on my mind and I was wrong for taking it out on you,The pictures was amazing baby and I-"

"Chris it's ok,I understand just sit right here and talk to me"I patted next to me moving the pillow and letting him sit down

"Where is Zayden"He asked looking around

"I dropped him off at Bree house"He looked at me as I took his hand and kissed it

"Baby I know its hard for you right now but just know I'm here for you no matter what,even if you want to be alone "He nodded

"My mama loved you,She told me out of all the girls I dated she connected with you more and she just knew you was the right one for me"I smiled

"Man I miss her"He said low

"Me too,I know she would have loved Zayden,She probably would have had him more than anyone"He laughed

"Hell yea,Man she was the only one who actually sat and talked to me about shit,She would always tell me I was gonna be something and till this day I promised myself I will because she wanted me to be the backbone for the people I loved just like she was for me"I smiled

"Baby your mother was an angel sent to you to show you the paths and take you through the storms,Now you have a son to do the same with and you have to show him the right paths and go"

"Yea I know,I just wanna be what she imagined me to be but better,I really wanna make her proud"

"And you are,she's around you at every celebrated moment trust me"He stared at me

"I love you so fucking much man"He kissed me

"I love you too"He just kept staring at me then looked at what I had on

"Why you dressed like that"He asked,I shrugged

"I just got out the shower and I was worried about you"He smiled

He licked his lips and pulled me on to him giving me another kiss on the lips but with all tongue.

He slowly moved his hand down my stomach but I stopped him.

"Lay back"I said in his ear,He did and I unbuckled his pants and pulled out his already hard dick putting spit on it before slowly taking it in my mouth.

I began began to suck and spit all on it while jacking him with my hands,Him moaning and groaning was turning me on so much I know my shirts were soaked.I was deep throating it until he came.I cleaned him up and was about to get up but he stopped me.

"It's my turn"He said smiling giving me a kiss and laying me down taking my shorts off.

He smiled before eating me out, He was fingering me and tongue fucking me at the same time,I was trying my best not to cum so instead I squirted making him go fast and it was making my whole body shake making me burst.

He licked up every drop and and we both went to sleep naked on the couch.............

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