Lack Of Patients

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Here's an extra chapter because I fucking love yall😍😘😘😘💕💖💖

Jaylen's Pov

5 days later

Today Alonna and them come back and I was happy because I wanted to know everything that happened and I missed my son.

Akeeya has been a big help and she keeps worrying about Alonna coming back but I told her not to.I already told Alonna everything and she actually felt like it was a good idea

Seeing what Akeeya is goin through makes me rethink everything and realize a lot of people have life worse than you.  Her situation could have easily been mine in so many ways.

I just wanna help her because no matter what I always had heart for her,Like I said we were like sisters and even tho she did some fucked up shit to me I looked past it because tbh I know she would do the same for me.

We both sat at the kitchen table eating when the doorbell rung.I got up and went to answer it.

"Look who finally here"I said letting Alonna,Nicki,and Diamond in with their bags

"Girl shut up"Alonna said,Ty was holding Zayden who was sleep

"How was the flight"I asked taking Zayden waking him up as they sat in the living room

"Idk,We was sleep the whole way"Diamond said

"Well it's breakfast in the kitchen if y'all hungry,I made more than enough"I said closing the door

"Wanna go back to sleep"I asked Zayden,He nodded rubbing his eyes so I took him to my room laying him on the bed before I went to the kitchen

I sat back at the table and Alonna and Diamond walked in and they both looked at Akeeya.

"Hey"Akeeya said smiling and slightly waving

"Hey,I'm Diamond btw"Diamond said waving

"Yea I know,I remember you"She giggled

"So what y'all been doing"Alonna asked stuffing bacon in her mouth while she fixed her plate

"Shit,I been cleaning up and helping Akeeya get some things done"I said

Ty and Nicki walked in and it got quiet as Akeeya and Tyga stared at each other.

"Hey Michael"She said

"Wats up,Bae you go fix my plate"He nodded and asked Alonna

"No nigga,Fix yo own,My baby momma need to be resting and yo ass need to be fixing her plate"I said,He smacked his lips

"J.C don't start man,Why everytime I ask her sum you gotta start an argument with me"I laughed and put my arm around his shoulder

"Cuz bro I don't have nobody else to argue with"He laughed

I went back to my room and sat on my bed looking through my phone and I had 2 missed calls from a random number so I called them back.

"Hello"A woman answered

"Hey,Did someone call this number"I asked

"Oh yes,Is this Jaylen Carter"she asked


"Hi,This is Danielle from Ecstasy's clothing line here in Manhattan and I'm calling because we went over your photos and we would to have you do a photoshoot with our clothes"I smiled

"Yes,of course I would love to"

"Ok can you meet us tomorrow at 3:30pm,I'm sending you an email with all the details now,And there will be a meeting before the photoshoot so try to make it before 3:30 if you can"She said

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