Glowing With Blessings

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Jaylen's Pov
2 months later

I've been so busy setting up everything for the baby.To me it's never too early to be prepared for anything and how my life been going lately,I needed something positive to focus on.

I even been looking at some houses, I needed a new start and moving was definitely gonna be one of them.

Even tho Alonna moved out she's over  here everyday and I'm so grateful for that.This was gonna be amazing to go through my pregnancy with my bestfriend/Sister especially with this being her first baby.

Chris always calling and texting me asking how the Zayden doin and when can I get a DNA test before the baby born but I ignore him.This baby was my blessing and it didn't matter if he wanted to be there or not.

I always let him talk to Zayden whenever he wants but when it came to me and my personal life I cut the convo short.

"I'm not hungry"I told Nicki as I laid in bed looking at TV

"Well the baby probably is"I smacked my lips

"How you gonna force me to eat"I said ,I got up and followed her to the kitchen

"Because you never turn down food and I'm not gonna let you start"She said

I sat at the table and she placed a plate of sloppy Joe and mashed potatoes in front of me.

"Did you pack Zayden things yet, Mariah on her way"Nicki asked me

"Yea,They on his bed"I said before taking a bite of my sandwich

"If I were you I would make his ass come out here to see Zayden"Akeeya said

"It's his son and I'm not petty like that,What goes around comes around so I'm not even gonna stoop to his level,Chris now's he's wrong and that's why he is the way he is"I said

"True but you should at least let him know how you feel about the situation,He just thinks everything all cool and shit"Nicki said

"When this baby comes,Chris is gonna realize what he did was fucked up but it's all on him"I said not wanting to talk about it anymore

"Well did you think of any names yet"Akeeya said

"Not really,I think I'm having a girl,I just got a feeling"I said

"You probably is the way yo attitude been lately"Nicki said,I smacked my lips

"I haven't even had a attitude at all since I been pregnant"

"Bitch please,You yelled at us because we ain't get the right kind of apple juice you wanted,You yelled at us for having our shoes by the door and you even hid all the fucking dishes"Nicki said

"But that all makes sense,You don't have to be pregnant for that to irritate you"I said

"If you say so,All I'm saying is Alonna not acting like that"Akeeya said,I laughed

"She do talk just don't see it"I said

I really feel like this baby is gonna be the best thing for me especially after all the shit I been thru with losing my other child,I thank god everyday for everything I have and the people I have or had in my life.........

Chris Pov

"Daddy!"Zayden said running to me as Mariah put him down

"What's up lil man"I said picking him up,Mariah handed me his bags.

"Thanks Mariah"I gave her a side hug

"No problem,Bye Zayden "She said pinching his cheek before leaving

I walked him into his Spiderman themed room and sat him on the bed while I unpacked his clothes.

"Baby I made reservations at Leo's tonight"Rihanna said walking in

"I'm staying in,Zayden here"She shrugged

"So,Get a babysitter"I glared at her

"You know what,You can go to a hotel or sum until he leaves"She laughed but I didn't

"I'm deadass,I'll call you when he leave"She smacked her lips

"Are you serious"I looked at her

"Chris why do-"

"Bye,gtfo now!"I yelled,She rolled her eyes and walked off

Man I swear it's like I be attracted to the most fucked up females,First Kae hoe ass and now I gotta deal with Rihanna wanna be bougie ass.

Zayden started watching TV so I went to the kitchen to fix him a snack.Rihanna walked in and hugged me from behind and it reminded me of Jay because she was the only one who did that and that brought back so many good memories.

My heart was still with Jay but my feelings wasn't,I just felt like I needed something different,Maybe it was just a faze or some shit but I know I might have fucked up big time this time.I blame both of us for this because Jay and I never officially fixed what we had after what happened 3 years ago.

"Still mad at me daddy"I smirked

"Nah but you should be gone"She smacked her lips

"I know something that can make me stay"

"Oh really"I said,I turned around and she nodded unbuckling my pants but I stopped her

"My son is upstairs"She smacked her lips

"Smack yo lips again and I'll fuck you up"She rolled her eyes smiling

"Well I'll be in the room waiting on you"She said walking off

I went to give Zayden his food but he was knocked out.I took off his shoes and stuff and turned off the light and went to my room and ate his food.

Lately I have been thinking about what was gonna happen with Jay and this baby I knew was mines.

I knew it was a possibility that Jay might put me on child support so I'm gonna take care of Zayden and the baby because that's just what I have to do.

I just wanna live my life and focus on my music and making sure I can take care of my family and at the same time break boundaries for other people like me that came from almost nothing.

For the next month I had shows lined up so I was gonna be busy and Zayden Birthday coming up.I don't want him to spend it separately without me or Jay so I had to think of something.

In the middle of my thought Rihanna climbed on top of me giving me a kiss.....

"Can I show you something now daddy"I smiled and nodded my head and she unbuckled my pants again......

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