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Mia's pov (Monday August 22st)

My alarm clock went off, and I groaned at the noise. I was having a good dream!! It was about Hayes and I instantly had a frown on my face. I shook it off and walked into my bathroom to get ready for the first day of school.


"So how are you feeling?" Cameron asked me. We were in the car, he was driving me to high school.

"Annoyed, nervous, angry, tired, disappointed, oh and most of all annoyed," I whined. I placed my head on the window and just stared outside.

"If any boys pick on you, you tell me okay?"

"Mhm," I mumbled.

We pulled up into the school parking lot, and I gave my goodbyes to Cameron and headed into the prison hell.


I closed my locker shut and held on tight to my books for history class. As I was walking to my class I saw Hayes, and his girlfriend. They were making out on the lockers. They went here!!? God why do this to me?

I sped past them hoping they didn't see me, but I was out of luck.

"Hey Mia," Courtney said.

I mentally slapped myself, and turned around and smiled.


I looked at Hayes and he looked down at his shoes.

"I didn't know you came here," she said and laughed.

"Yea same here,"

"So what class are you going to?" She asked me.

"History, you?"

"Oh Hayes and I have history too!" She smiled and clapped her hands together like a little kid. "Wanna walk to class together?"

"I don't think Mia wants too," Hayes interrupted.

I looked at him and I nodded my head, "yep, we'll see you later,"

I walked to history class and I was so embarrassed.


"So students we will be starting off the school year with a project. I will pair two of you up, and you will have to get to know one other, and write a essay about your partner,"

That's creepy.

"Alissa and Devon,"

"Naomi and Shawn,"

"Courtney and kaleb,"

"Michael and Mia,"

Yes! Not with Hayes.

"And Hayes and Brittany,"

We have a small class, I guess some of the students aren't here yet.

"Now please find your partner and get to know each other. This essay is 1000 words so brush up on as many facts as you can about your partner. Once you find your partner you may begin,"

I looked around the room for my partner and eventually someone came and pulled up a chair and sat next to me.

"Hey I'm Michael," he said.

He was really cute, not as cute as Hayes but cute. (Picture him as Ethan the twin of Grayson,)

"I'm Mia,"

"Well Mia what do you like to do for fun?"

"I like to make YouTube videos, cheer lead, dance, make vine videos with my brother, and draw," I explained.

His sister. •SEQUAL TO 'Cameron's little sister'•Where stories live. Discover now