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Mia's pov (Friday March 29th)


We were finished performing on stage so I was walking off but stopped as I heard Hayes voice run through the crowd.

"Wait everybody I have an announcement!" He yelled.

I was confused what was so important that he had to tell all of his fans on stage that he couldn't do on Twitter or vine.

"Hayes get off the stage now!" Bart yelled at him.

Hayes looked at him and thought about his choice and he looked at me and turned his head to the crowd.

"I screwed up big time this time guys," he started off.

He better not! I opened my eyes wide and mahogany and Naomi ran up to me.

"Mia what is he doing?" Naomi asked.

"Shh," I said.

"Guys I broke someone who meant a lot to me. My actions caused this I should've been more smarter. I cheated on Mia Dallas and for that I am sorry," everyone gasped and I could feel the tears brim through my eyes.

He looked at me as I shook my head repeatedly meaning that he should stop. But he continued and I was on the verge of crying my eyes out.

"I was at the pool with my buddy and I saw my ex. We started to drink and I know I shouldn't have done that but I did,"

"Nash get him off stage now!" Bart yelled at Nash.

Nash just shook his head and I gave him pleading eyes but he shook his head and again whispered in my ear.

"Just listen," I let a tear roll down my cheek but quickly wiped it away.

"We started to talk and that's how I wanted it until she leaned in to kiss me and I was dumb enough to kiss back. I regret it and I pray everyday that she will forgive me even though I know she won't and it kills me. I can't sleep at night knowing she hates my guts,"

I feel guilty but then again I don't. He deserved it his actions got him to where he is now.

"Mia Dallas I love you so much and I pray that God heals whatever is hurting you. Your an angel that was sent from heaven. Please forgive me?" He asked.

I want to forgive him so bad and I just can't bring myself to it.

"Forgive him!" Was yelled repeatedly in the crowd.

What happens if he hurts me again? It will break me into a million pieces. Before I'm even thinking I walk on the stage while hearing "MIA GET BACK!" from Bart but I ignore it right now.

I grab the microphone from Hayes hands and began to speak.

"Hayes I love you too but I just can't let you hurt me again,"

"I promise," he says and i see a tear slip from his eyes. I believe him! He's never cried in front of me like that and once I saw that tear it was like a lightbulb clicked on my head and told me to. I drop the microphone and let it fall to the floor as I hug Hayes with all of my force.

I don't care what happens in the future fuck the future for once. Hayes and i were meant to be together and I honestly don't care what people think. He makes me happy even though he does screw up at times I still can forgive him.


"I don't know what to do with you two anymore," Bart says angrily.

After what happened Bart got security to drag us off of the stage. He sat us down in his office and began to yell at us and I'm scared that he's going to kick us out of the magcon group.

"You two are iresponsible so I have no choice but to kick you two out of that magcon group," he said with no emotion in his face. Great I think I jinxed it.

Once the words left his mouth Cameron and Nash barged into the room.

"If you kick them out were leaving," Cameron says.

I can't believe he's actually going to do this and it shocks me but I don't think I could let Cameron and Nash quit because of Hayes and I's stupid mistake.

"Cameron it's fine," I whisper.

"No. Make a decision Bart," Cameron says staring straight into his eyes.

"Fine your all out. Pack your bags your going back home tomorrow morning," he says.

I open my eyes shocked and I can't believe what has happened. We are all out of the magcon group? Over a stupid mistake? Bart is low really low for that.

"Mia's it's fine," Hayes whispers.

I shake my head. None of this is fine this is all because of Hayes and I!

"Cameron I'm so sorry!" I cry.

"Just leave me alone Mia," Cameron says and walks away.

He's the one who said he would quit anyways...

"Mia talk to me," Hayes says.

"I'm fine," I whisper.

I sat up and decided to head back to the hotel with Hayes since he didn't want me to walk alone. We were going to go into the limo but it was gone so in guessing the guys, mahogany, and Noami left.

"I guess we have to walk," I say frustrated.

"With us also," I heard. I turned around and saw mahogany and Noami.

"You didn't leave with them?" I asked.

"No they are being disrespectful and stubborn. Bart's an ass anyways," mahogany said and I agreed.

Once I arrived at the hotel everyone was in there rooms packing but only Nash was in my room.

"Where's Cameron?" I asked.

"Well his girlfriend got here a couple of minutes ago so he packed and just left with her," Nash explained.

I guess no goodbye.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked.

"Not as much as he is. I'm more mad at Hayes," he said and started packing.

I packed and took a shower to get rid of all of the stress and took a nap once I was finished.


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