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Mia's pov (Monday August 29th)


Schools, today and I'm walking through the hallways with Hayes, my boyfriend. Yes I said it. My boyfriend, he asked me out Sunday night. He woke me up in 3 am and was all like 'I love you so much will you be my girlfriend?' Yea I know, not all romantic but it's the thought that counts.

"I'll see you at lunch?" I ask Hayes.

"See you there," he says and gives me a kiss on my cheek.

While he walks to lunch I head to my locker, to put my books away.

Once I'm finished, I walk down the hall way to the lunch room, and as I'm walking I see Hayes with some girl.

He isn't just talking to her as a friend, because he leans in to kiss her.

I stare in shock, I thought he wouldn't do this to me. I did before, but I thought he apologized and that he meant it.

I continue to stare, and when they pull apart he looks at me and smirks.

I walk over towards him and slap him with great force. "How could you do this to me?! I thought you said you loved me!" I yelled at him. The girl he was with rolled her, eyes and walked away.

"You don't remember?" He asked me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, on the verge of crying my eyes out, right about now.

"It was all just a game, who could ever love someone like you?" When he said that, it felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest, and thrown on the floor to a million pieces. My heart was broken, by just 13 words. Can you imagine, someone saying they love you one minute, and the next telling you it was all just a game. It's too heart breaking.

As a tear slips down my eye, I walk away without another word.

I was emotionally numb, I couldn't speak or even think clearly. I felt like a toy, like I was just used and destroyed. It was all too much for me to take in at once. I walked outside the school, doors and walked over towards my car, and as soon as I got in I broke down crying.

I let it all out. I cried for a life time it felt like.

I really thought he meant the saying 'I love you,' but instead it was a joke. Everything he said was a joke. He played me like a puppet, he was my master and I was the little doll.

Once I calmed down just a little bit, I was still crying but I could probably manage getting home. I started my car, and drove out of the high school parking lot.

I got on the '95,' which is the high way, and drove. Cars were passing by me at full speed, and I began to get dizzy. Everything around me seemed to fade away while I was driving, and the next thing I heard was a loud horn, and everything around me started to get dark.


Cameron's pov


I was just finished performing on stage, it was really funny. I love performing, I missed the excitement of it.

As I was waiting for my turn to get on stage, my phone started to ring inside my pocket. I picked it up and answered it.

"Hello?" I said through the phone.

"Hello is this Cameron Dallas?" The woman asked.

"Yes it is how may I help you?"

"This is the pennorila hospital, calling to say that a child her name is, Mia Dallas is your sister correct?"

"Yes is something wrong?" I asked her. I began to get panicky.

"Well Ms.Dallas was just in a car crash, and she is now in the emergency room. It says here in my file, that you are her only guardian is that correct?" The woman said.

"Yes that is correct,"

"Well I will need you to get to the hospital as quick as you can," she said.

I nodded even though she couldn't see me.

"I'm coming as soon as I can thank you bye,"

"Bye have a nice day," she said and I hung up.

How was I supposed to have a nice day, when I just found out my sister was in a car crash?

I run over towards my manager, and ask if I can take a jet to California.

As he said yes, I got in a uber without informing my friends, and asked him to drive me off at the airport.

Once I get there my jet was ready, so I gave them my passport and I got on and it started to take off after about 30 minutes.


5 hours later, and I got off the jet, I called a cab and I told the cab driver where to and he dropped me off at the hospital.

I ran through the doors, tears streaming down my face, and ran to the front desk.

"Where is my sister, Mia Dallas?" I asked.

"She's in room 267 and before you go in I have to tell you... Your sister is in a coma,"

I was shocked,  my sister was in a coma. This wouldn't of happened if I never left on tour, she begged me not to and I didn't listen. I'm soo stupid. Very stupid.

I ran to her hospital, room and walked through her doors.

She looked life less, her face was pale and she had scratches all over her face, and arms. And on top of all that she had tubes sticking inside her. I cried more after the sight of her, she looks dead and even thinking of the word 'dead,' makes me want to punch a hole through the wall right about now.

I fell on the floor, and started to cry.

My baby sister, Mia is in a coma. There's either three possibilities here.

1: she wakes up soon.

2: it takes her a while to wake up.

3: she never wakes up.

This is all my fault!


HEY! I'm sorry it took me awhile to update, I was busy yesterday and today so I found time to update.

I hope you enjoy, vote and comment for more updates.

-Mia :)  

His sister. •SEQUAL TO 'Cameron's little sister'•Where stories live. Discover now