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Mia's pov (Saturday August 27th)


I wake, up with Hayes arms around me. I smile at the thought of me sleeping next to him, just like old times. Only this way a lot more freakier things can happen because of our age ;) LMFAO

I reach my hand, for my phone on my desk top and check to see if I have any messages.

I have an unknown message.

Unknown - You shouldn't of done what you did. Now you'll pay bitch.

What the fuck did I do? Should I text the person back? Maybe.... Yes I think i should.

Me - do you know who this is?

Moments later I got a reply.

Unknown - of course Mia. ;) who could ever forget you?

Me - who are you?

Unknown - you'll find out soon. Xoxo

I'm really starting to get creeped out.

I texted my friend Naomi.

Me - some really creepy person is texting me, what do I do?!

Naomi - who is this bitch?

Me - if I known I'm pretty sure I would of told you.

Naomi - point taken... So what did he say.

Me - just that I fucked up, and that I'll pay for my 'mistake,'

Naomi - what did you do to make this person so mad?

Me - that's what I'm trying to figure out... Should I ask?

Naomi - DUHH tell me what he/she says asap. :)

I laugh, and text the creepy stalker person.

Me - what exactly did I even do?

Unknown - oh you don't remember?

Me - I wouldn't be asking you if I did.

Unknown - I'll tell you once it's the right time.

The right time? Tf does that mean? This better not be some pretty little liars shit.

I started to text Naomi.

Me - the person said I'll know at the right time.

Naomi - creepy. Can we meet up?

Me - sure where?

Naomi - star bucks.

Me - obviously it's your favorite.

Naomi - Starbucks is my husband hunny. Get it right. See you babe :)

I laugh at her text, and wake Hayes up.

"Hayes," I called.

No reply.

"Hayes," I called again. He replied after I shook him nearly to death.

"Do you need something?" He mumbles.

"I'm going to star bucks with Naomi okay?"

"Sure whatever, let me sleep I'm really tired," he says his voice very low.

"Fine be like that," I say.

I grab my phone, type my password in, go on my Instagram, take a picture and caption it : heres my ugly ass baby :) @hayesgrier

His sister. •SEQUAL TO 'Cameron's little sister'•Where stories live. Discover now