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This is the last chapter OMG! I really can't believe it has come to the last chapter. Well I want you all to read the note that I will be leaving you guys at the end of this chapter please enjoy.

Mia's pov (Thursday June 9th)


I dry my hair as I walk out of the bathroom. I walk to my closet and rummage through a nice outfit to wear. I wear something really comfortable but really cute. Once my hair is dry I add two nice braids to my hair that stick to my scalp. (I don't know what they are called) I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth to make sure they are really nice and clean for when I see Hayes. I put some mouth wash in when finished I  finish getting ready for the day.

30 minutes later I finished getting ready and I am now putting all of my stuff in the trunk of my car. I sit in the drivers seat as I start the car and text Hayes.

Leaving now be there in 5 or less hours. Can't wait!

I pull out of the school parking lot and drive back home.


I was around the corner from my house when I checked my phone to see if I had any messages from Hayes.

Text me when your 5 minutes away.

I started typing on my phone and sent him.

Come outside.

We had planned to meet up at my house, and he had a key because Cameron gave it to him.

I parked in the garage and put my key in the slot and turned it, and walked inside my house.

"I'm here!" I yelled for Hayes to here.

I heard footsteps and I was instantly met with Hayes running to me. I jumped in his arms gave him a kiss. I missed this feeling and I would treasure it.

"I missed you so much," I said in between kisses.

"I missed you too," he said as he walked me upstairs.

We reached my room when he dropped me on my bed. I saw him take his shirt off and throw it to the floor. I felt soft things on my arms and I looked over and saw red petals on the bed. I took my shirt off and kissed Hayes again while he unclipped my bra. I laid back down as he slid my pants off leaving me in just my panties.

He laid on top of me and I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him. I planted kisses all over his body while he roamed his hands around my waste.

He took everything off relieving him with a horny dick. He put a hand in my panties and rubbed my area and then began to slide my panties off.

I wrapped my legs around him as he continue rubbing my area and he began to pleasure me by going in and out.


An hour later Hayes and I were talking about our favorite things in the world.

"You know what my last favorite thing in the world is?" Hayes asked.

"What?" I asked my voice was really soft.

"Doing this," he said.

I was confused until he reached for something under the bed. He pulled out a small black box and I opened my eyes wide. He opened the box revealing a diamond ring.

"This is my favorite thing in the world. Hearing what you have to say after I ask you to marry me. Your the most beautiful girl iv ever laid my eyes on. Every Time I screwed up you were still there for me no matter what we went through. I love you so much I could count all of the stars in the world and for each star say why I love you. Your my world and without you I'm nothing. Will you marry me?" Hayes asked.

I was full on crying as I nodded my head yes. Hayes slipped the ring on and I placed my lips on him. Our kiss was interrupted with a phone ringing.

We groaned as Hayes answered his phone on the nightstand next to him.

"Hello?" He asked.

I noticed after a few seconds that Hayes looked angry and worried at the same time. I mouthed 'what's wrong?' But Hayes didn't answer.

He hung up and sat up and putting his shirt on.

"What's wrong?" I asked him getting my shirt on from the floor.

"Nash is in the hospital. He's dying," Hayes said putting his pants on.

I finished putting my clothes on as I straightened my hair out.

"What why?" I asked worried.

"He was shot. He won't make it," he said getting his shoes on.

I put my shoes on and followed Hayes downstairs, and into my car. I sat in the passenger seat as Hayes sped out of the garage.

The drive was 30 minutes and Hayes was speeding.

I griped the side of the car.

"Hayes calm down," I whispered hoping he would slow down.

I looked at his face and he was crying. He was gripping the steering wheel really hard and he started beating on the car.

He was driving more faster now and I started freaking out.

"Hayes slow down!" I screamed.

"I can't," he said through gritted teeth.

"Hayes stop it!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

A cars lights came in view and I gasped and I turned to face Hayes.

He was driving towards the car not stopping or anything.

"I love you," I whispered as the car came closer. Hayes made a U-turn trying to get away from the car and we drove into a tree. I flew out of the car and fell on the ground.

My body hurt I couldn't move. I heard sirens a couple minutes later and the last thing I saw was Hayes body. His eyes were closed and he looked dead.



I will make a book 3 please comment what you thought about this chapter and a book 3 will come faster.

I will be publishing another book today I'll keep you updated when it's out.

Mia xoxo

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