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Mia's pov (Wednesday March 27th)


I wake up to Hayes next to me staring at me. I open my eyes wide and sit up really fast. What the fuck is he doing in my bed? Yes I have my own bed this hotel room has three beds thank god for that.

"What are you doing?" I ask him in a rude tone.

"I'm sorry," he says.

I stand up and walk away from him.
Cameron and Nash aren't in the room ugh just my luck.

"Get away from me,"

"Come on Mia you act like I beat you to death. Please speak to me,"

"What am I supposed to say!? You broke me!" I yelled at him.

There was a knock at the door and I asked 'who is it'

"It's Aaron are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes I'm fine," I lie.

Once he walks away I continue to look at Hayes.

"Look I was drunk. Once I kissed her it took me a minute to process what was happening but once I did I promise you I pulled away,"

"Is that supposed to make this all better Hayes?"

"I mean I thought it would," he joked but I didn't find it very funny for that matter.

"I think you should leave," I mutter.

He takes a step closer towards me and runs his finger along my cheek.

"Is that what you really want?" He asks me just above a whisper.

No what I really want is to jump his bones right about now, but I won't let him get that advantage over me.

"Yes," I say slowly not even hearing my own voice at the moment.

He looks me in the eyes and says, "fine," and just walks out.

He leaves me in the room breathless because of the affect he has on me.

Once I gain control over myself I grab some clothes and take a shower to get ready for the long day that is ahead of me.


As I was walking down the street to get a bagel at Starbucks someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around a saw some boy staring at me, he was very cute for that matter. He has a guitar case with him.

"Hello?" I asked curiously.

"Hey my name is Jacob white sides. I'm the new member of the magcon group and I recognized you. Cameron's sister right?" He asked.

I nod my head and wait for him to continue.

"Right well I was trying to look for the hotel I will be staying at. Can you show me where it is?"

"Come with me Starbucks okay? After that I'm going to the hotel so you can come and then we will all head to the magcon event," I explain.

"Okay cool,"

We start to walk to Starbucks, I order my drink and get me a bagel to eat for the walk back to the hotel. What I'm starving.

As Jacob and I were walking back to the hotel Cameron's walks up to us.

"You must be Jacob. I watched of your vines your really good," he said an gave him a hug.

"Yeah same here for you your really talented. Just like the rest of you,"

"Thanks," everyone said.

"Well we should get going," Nash says and we all began to walk towards the limo. Hayes try's to sit next to me but I scoot over towards Cameron and carter. No way am I sitting next to my ex cheater

"Are you okay?" Cameron asked me.

"I'm fine," I lie.

That's all I ever answered for the past week.

'I'm fine,' even though it was a big lie. But I can't let people know that, I can't let people know that I'm hurting because once they know they won't leave me alone. I like the space and I like being alone by myself. Even though that might sound depressing that's just how I am. 

Once we leave the limo we are all backstage getting ready to get on stage to start the show. I'm really anxious because we will be having a Q&A and I don't want people asking about Hayes and I. Yes we broke up but I don't want the whole world to know that just yet. We didn't even officially break up because iv been ignoring him since yesterday.

Once we start the show the crowd screams and we began.


After the show and the meet and greet I sit on my hotel bed and watch 'titanic,' as I eat popcorn and ice cream. Everyone else is having fun at the pool but I can't bring myself to it.

There was a knock on my door so I head to answer it. And lucky me it's the devil himself Hayes.

"We need to talk," he said and barged in.

"I need to say something," I say too.

"You go first,"

"I'm breaking up with you," I blurt out.

He opens his eyes wide and shocked. I'm shocked too I didn't think I had it in me to break up with him like that.

He shakes his head continuasly saying the word, 'no.'

"Yes," I say with no emotion in my voice what so ever.

"Please Mia,"

"I think you should leave now,"

He nods his head, walks over towards me and kisses me.

To my surprise I kiss back and once he pulls away I want more of him but I won't show it.

"Goodbye Hayes,"


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- Mia :)

His sister. •SEQUAL TO 'Cameron's little sister'•Where stories live. Discover now