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Mia's pov (Sunday September 19th)


Sunday is one of my worst days! I'm pretty sure you already know why. School tomorrow.

I'm really confused about Hayes and I relationships at the moment. Are we dating or just friends? I should text him right now.

Hey can we talk? - Mia

Once I sent the text I knew he probably wouldn't respond for another hour or so, so I went to take a nice hot bath.

Stripping my clothes off, I hopped in the bath.

I turned the water faucet on hot but not too hot, and put bubble baths inside.

Once I started to relax, my phone buzzed. I grabbed my phone from the shelf and checked it.

Wow! 1; you survived the car crash?! 2; your pregnant? What a lovely surprise. Hey! I have a question, when you were pouring the biscuit were you trying to make pancakes? - Unknown.

I rolled my eyes, and placed my phone back on the shelf.

As I begin to relax I began to think. Whoever is texting me is starting to annoy me, but how did the person find out I was pregnant? I never told anybody. Not even Naomi! And she's my Best Friend for that matter. And as for the car crash, heck I think everyone knows about that so that's NO secrete.

But me being pregnant? I'm really starting to lean on to an abortion. I never believe in killing a baby, before it even got a chance to explore the world, but I am 16! Turning 17 but still. I'm not even an adult yet, I am in no position to go through all of this. The hormones, the cramps, everything. Even thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach. Sure I love babies but I never imagined me having one at this age. This is all Hayes fault, and he needs to text me so we can figure all of this out.

And Cameron? Oh god Cameron. He's having a child, and I'm scared for my life to tell him I'm having one too. What if he reacts bad? What if he looks at me differently? What if he hates me? What if!? There are so many possibilities!

After thinking a little bit too much, I drain my bath, get out, and wrap a towel around my body. I check my phone to have a message from Hayes.

I'm at your house now, can you open up the door?

I place my phone down on my bed, and walk downstairs to open the door for Hayes.

"Hi," I say when I see his face.

"Hey how are you?" He asks me.

"To be honest with you, I'm kind of stressed. I'm thinking of having an abortion," I tell him.

His eyes widen at the word 'abortion,'

"No you can't. At least go for adoption,"

Well even if I was having the baby, he wouldn't want to be apart of her or his life. So scratch that.

"But I'm scared Hayes! I'm sixteen I'm not ready for all of this!" I yell.

"You will be fine, Mia. I'll be here for you, if you want me to go to all of your appointments with you, I'll go with you. But you have me," he says.

I look into his eyes, and I come up with a solution.

"We need to tell Cameron he will know,"

He nods his head.

I walk upstairs to his room, open the door and shake him awake.

"Cameron wake up," I wine. He's a very heavy sleeper.

He opens his eyes, very slowly and looks at me.

"Is something wrong?" He asks.

"No yes, I don't know I need your help,"

He sits up and rubs his eyes.

"I'm listening," he says.

"Okay so when I tell you this, please please please, don't freak out. Don't look at me differently, please just see me as your LITTLE sister. Don't yell at me, please handle this responsibly, and please take in every word I'm saying and come up with an, honest decision," I explain.

"Mia tell me," he says.

"No I need you to promise me first,"

He shakes his head, and yells.

"Tell me!"

I flinch but yell back at him.

"Promise me!"

He rolls his eyes and finally says "promise,"

So here I go.

"I'm pregnant,"



I need your help. Should she have an abortion, or should she have an adoption, or should she keep the baby.


The next update, will be whenever someone comments on what I should do.

Mia :)

His sister. •SEQUAL TO 'Cameron's little sister'•Where stories live. Discover now