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Mia's pov (Saturday March 11th)

I jumped out of Nash's arms and ran towards the fireman.

"There were 2 men in their what happened to them!?" I yelled at the man.

"Mam please calm down. Nobody was in their so if they' were they must've got blown up with the house. I'm sorry," the man said and walked away.

I shook my head and almost had a melt down. Nash walked over towards me slowly and kept repeatedly saying the word 'no,'

I cried some more "we need to get you home," Nash cried and tried to pick me up, but I wouldn't budge.

"No!" I cried.

This can't be happening my brother, and my boyfriend. This is a nightmare 'MIA WAKE UP' I yelled at myself in my head.

"Mia," someone called.

I turned my face towards the direction of the house and couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Cameron was carrying Hayes over towards the fire man, and when they put Hayes on the stretcher I got up and ran towards Cam.

I jumped in his arms and cried with joy, he wrapped his arms around me and took one hand and stroked my hair.

"I'm okay," he whispered in my ear.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"We ran out the back door before the house could blow up," he explained.

I nodded my head and thanked God for this miracle.


[March 22nd]

Hayes has a broken leg, but his cast should be coming off soon.

Naomi was perfectly fine not a scratch on her body. Cameron was fine unless you count the couple cuts and bruises on his body. They should shortly fade away soon though.

Me on the other hand. I'm grateful. I wasn't hurt I was only emotionally hurt.

I was just scared that Cameron and Hayes wouldn't make it but they did.

Cameron HAS to go on tour again with all of his friends. Same for Hayes which is a bummer in my opinion, because who am I going to hang out with expect my best friend? Who also! Has a boyfriend so that means she will be with him most of the time.

So I'll just be alone, by myself, with no one not a soul to make sure I'm okay and to keep my company for the 3 months that they will be gone.

I was sitting on the couch thinking over what I could do when my phone buzzed. I take a look at it and it was from Cameron.

Get dressed - Cam.


I text back.

Why? - Mia.

Because your going on tour with us. I'll explain once I get home with Nash, and Hayes were at Walmart getting supplies. - Cam.

I get up from the couch and walk upstairs to my room.

If I'm going on tour for 3 months I will be needing a lot of stuff. I grab the biggest suitcase from my bag and I grab a book bag also.

I walk towards my closet and take out a bunch of shirts, long sleeve and short sleeves. I grab a bunch of pants, tights, skinny jeans, and joggers. I take a couple sweaters also just in case. I grab one jacket because who knows where we will be going. Even though it's April some places are still cold. I bend over and grab 5 pairs of shoes. Flats, heals, Tim's, Jordan's, and vans. I take everything that I can manage and put it in the suitcase. I walk towards my drawers and grab a couple pairs of shorts, and undergarments. I grab a couple tank tops and place all of the in the suitcase also.

I walk towards my bathroom and get my make up bag. All of my make up is in their so I place it in my book bag. I grab my toothpaste and tooth brush and place it in my book bag also. I grab my charger, a book to read on the plane, a small pillow to rest my head on, a small blanket to keep me warm on the plane, and some headphones to listen to music. I place all of that in my book bag and manage to fit all of it in.

Knowing Cameron bought food from Walmart I'll just grab me a water bottle. I grab that and walk upstairs. Once I'm finished packing I take all of it downstairs and I see Nash, Cameron, and Hayes sitting on the couch.

"Are you ready?" Cameron asked me while eating a granola bar.

"Yup," I said and placed my luggage on the floor.

"Okay well I didn't want to leave you here alone, so your coming on tour with us. Also we have to leave now so thanks for packing quickly. Everyone ready?" Cameron asked.

We all nodded our heads and I grabbed my luggage.

"All of the guys will be at the airport," Cameron said.

We placed the luggage in the limo and we drove off to the airport.


Once we were here we didn't have time to stop for food and see the guys because the plan was already boarding.

Once I got on I got out my blanket, my pillow, and my headphones and listened to music.

I was sitting in between Cameron, and Hayes. Nash was sitting with one of the guys.

I closed my eyes while the plan took off and rested my head on Cameron's shoulder and fell asleep.


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Mia :)

His sister. •SEQUAL TO 'Cameron's little sister'•Where stories live. Discover now