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Mia's pov (Sunday March 24th)


I woke up to loud music blaring through the hotel room. How does anyone sleep through this? I open my eyes to see mahogany with a pillow over her face as she was trying to sleep. I wish I could do that but I can't because I'm already wide awake.

"Cameron!" I yelled.

"Ahh your awake," he said while he walked out of the bathroom fixing his hair. "Get dressed we have a show in 1 hour," he said.

I didn't even get to eat breakfast. I'll just grab a banana as I walk downstairs. I shake mahogany until she wakes up and eventually she does. She's a heavy sleeper that girl. I sit up from my bed.

"I'm going to take a shower," I tell mahogany and Cameron.

"Next I will!" Mahogany called.

I grabbed my outfit for the day (pic above) and headed to take a shower. Once I finished washing up I blow dried my hair and let my curls fall down. It looked pretty so I didn't want to ruin it by adding a style to my head. I changed into my outfit and added a little bit of make up to my face but not too much. I walked out and saw that mahogany was walking inside the bathroom to get ready also.

"How much time do we have?" I asked Cameron.

"30 minutes," he said and walked out side the hotel room.

I slipped my shoes on and sat on the bed and played a game on my phone until mahogany was ready to leave to go to the lobby.


All the guys and mahogany were in the lobby now and I was eating a banana. It's very delicious might I add. We were walking towards the limo now so we could get to the show that we had to preform at.

Once we arrived I peaked through the door and saw the stage and looked at the crowd and saw like thousands of people. WOW! They really adore the boys that much? Sure I post YouTube videos and make vines but I didn't think that I would join Magcon. I'm not as big as the boys but this is going to be very fun.

"Okay everyone get in line I will call each and one of you up to the stage!" Bart yelled.

Everyone got in line and I was the 5th person and I waited until the stage manager called everyone up.

"Aaron Carpenter!" The man yelled. Everyone cheered as Aaron ran on stage.

"Mahogany Lox!"

"Jack Johnson!"

"Jack Gilinsky!"

"Mia Dallas!" Once I ran on stage people cheered and clapped. I was nervous at first but once I saw that people were happy for me I began to relax a little.

"Matthew Espinosa!"

"Nash Grier!"

"Hayes Grier!" Once he said that I smiled and clapped also because I love him that much.

"Taylor Caniff!"

"Carter Reynolds!"

"Shawn Mendes!"

"And Cameron Dallas!" I clapped and cheered also because that's my brother.

Once everyone got on stage we began the show.


The show was really fun. We played a bunch of games, Shawn and I sang a song together. He's an amazing singer! We had a Q&A and now we were getting ready for the meet and greet.

Cameron and I had our own booth. I miss Hayes I don't spend as much time with him as I did at home. 

People came to us and Cameron and I took pictures with everyone, we answered a bunch of questions. I got a ton of new stuff for YouTube videos, and people gave me cards and posters. I enjoyed it so much.

Once the meet and greet was over, we were all at dinner eating. I was eating a burger and fries and a salad on the side. Hayes was sitting across from me but we weren't really talking because everyone was being really loud. I sat up from the table to wash my hands in the bathroom. Once I was walking out of the bathroom Hayes saw me and walked over towards me.

"Hey I missed you," he said.

"I missed you too. It seems like we can never hang out because of this tour," I explained.

"Okay your right. Tomorrow after the show and meet and greet it will just be you and I," he said.

I smiled and gave him a kiss on the lips and he kissed back. Oh how much I missed this feeling. I guess I was craving his lips but I just never really noticed until he kissed me again. We pull away and I excuse myself back to the table.

I finished eating my food and Hayes and I were playing footsies under the table. I love him to pieces.


We were all at the hotel now and Cameron mahogany and I were watching unfriended. Remind me to never use Skype again. Everyone was possessed to kill themselves just because they bullied the girl Laura barns and etc. it's hard to read the screen and etc because the movie is based off of her computer. Also the Skype call is also a bit glitchy. I think the most harsh killing scene was was the the guy who stabbed himself in the head with a knife or the guy who used the blender and stuffed his hand in it and started it and then put his head in it.

The rest were very boring. I was laying in bed with mahogany as she was falling asleep and Cameron was barely asleep. He was so into the movie. I really can't wait until to tomorrow because I miss Hayes so much. I hope whatever he plans on doing with me tomorrow his perfect.


OKAY! So 1! I didn't update yesterday because I was working on another book. It will be published April 30th so I will take one day to update that book, and one day to update this book. I will tell you when to check it out because it is NOT published yet.

Please vote and comment for another update.

- Mia :)

His sister. •SEQUAL TO 'Cameron's little sister'•Where stories live. Discover now