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4 more days! Wow I can't even believe it. These chapters are basically filters until I get to the ending where I'm really excited to write!

Mia's pov (Monday March 27th)


Once Hayes hung up I instantly got bored. Deciding to head to the gym I slipped on some work out clothes. I put on some black nikes and put my hair into a high pony tail. I walked to the vending machine area and bought myself a bottle of water. After I got my water I took a sip out of it as I made my way to the gym. When I got to the big building I didn't see Naomi anywhere. She must be doing something else, so I walk inside and began to work out to take everything off of my mind.

After 30 minutes of the long workout I gulped down the rest of my water bottle. I was sweating so much and I hate sweat. It stinks so much! I was walking back to the dorm room and when I reached the door I heard moans. I opened my eyes wide as I walked in and witnessed Naomi and Gilinksy half naked kissing each other.

"Oh my god," I mumbled at the scene that was right in front of me. I can't believe Naomi would do this its making her seem like a hoe.

"I'm so sorry. Don't tell Madison," Jack sayings pulling his shirt on and running out of the dorm room.

I stare at Naomi in anger as she pulls her shirt over he body.

"What?" She asked like nothing has happened.

"What did you do?" I asked her.

"Look when I went to the gym I saw Jack there,"

"So how does that lead to being half naked with him in the dorm room?!"

"Well I couldn't help but stare at his hot body I mean look at him. He caught me staring and as I was about to leave he followed after me. We kissed and one thing led to another. Look I'm sorry but I don't regret it, you just can't tell Madison,"

"Oh I won't. You and Jack will,"

She opened her eyes wide as she shook her head.

"I can't!"

I walked to my drawers to get some pajamas to slip in after my shower.

"Then find out how," I said at last before I walked in the bathroom.


Tuesday March 28th

I was in my last class for the day and I was waiting until it was over. I still didn't talk to Naomi at all this morning since I was still pissed at her about yesterday. I can't believe she would be so childish and do that. When class was over I grabbed my books as I made my way outside. I wanted to grab a snack to much on as I made my way to the lunch room. I grabbed a bag of chips and sat down at a table and began eating as I read a book on my phone. Someone sat down across from me and I looked up to see Madison. Oh no.

"Hey!" She said in a good mood.

"Hey," I replied dryly. Not that I wasn't happy to see her I just didn't know what to say to her since what I had witnessed not even 24 hours ago.

"How have you been?" She asked me.



"Same. Although I'm a little worried about me and jacks relationship. He hasn't talked to me since yesterday in the morning. Do you know why? You're really close to him like a brother and sister type of way,"

I didn't want to tell her but I realized that neither Jack nor Naomi would. Who else would?

"It isn't my place to tell,"

She looked at me with sadness in her eyes and I then felt bad. I know what it is like to be lied to. It's not the best feeling in the world.

"Please Mia. Your the only person I can come to. Naomi is a bitch who doesn't like me. Your my only girl friend around here," she said smiling a little bit. You could still see the pain in her eyes.

"Okay okay okay... Jacks cheating on you," I whispered hoping I didn't have to repeat it again.

My phone buzzed but I ignored it waiting for Madison's response. It would be rude to answer the message at a time like this.

She didn't answer as she looked down at her hands. I ate my chips quietly for her to say something at least.

"Why would he do that," she said. Her voice was really scratchy. I saw a tear drip from her eyes and I wanted nothing more than to slap Gilinsky and Naomi so hard right now.

"I'm sorry," I said after a couple minutes of silence.

She wiped the couple of years that left her eyes and finally said something. "What are you sorry for you didn't do anything," she said chuckling a little bit.

"Are you going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine," she said. She sat up from the chair as she left the lunch room. I sighed as I grabbed my phone and read the message.

It was from my hunny. My sexy, the love of my life, the boy I want to kill but save at the same time. Hayes!

Hey baby girl. How was your day?

I smiled as I answered his text.

Crazy :( I miss you.

He responds moments later.

I missed you too. Like 3 more days until I can see you!

I know! Guess what!

He replied with a 'what,' so I started typing on my keypad.

Jack has like this girlfriend. Well had I guess now seeing as they will probably break up. Well Gilinksy cheated on her with Naomi.

Juicy. You sound like a high school teenager...

I laughed and began typing.

I still practically am! I'm about to go to the dorm room and take a shower.

Send me some pics.

You wish.

I laughed as I sent the message and put my phone away.


Hola you beautiful people.

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