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Mia's pov (Wednesday September 15th)


Somethings wrong here. I mean, I'm sitting in a chair but then again I'm laying in a hospital bed. People can't hear me, at all. I can see everyone, but they can't see me. It's like I'm invisible. Scratch that! I am invisible.

I over heard, the doctors talking to Cameron. I'm in a coma, and they don't know how long I'm going to be in a coma. Nobody's in the hospital room, Cameron went home to get a shower and some rest. I don't mind actually, I don't want him to waste his life on someone in a coma, I might come out of it I might not. It doesn't really bother me, it's actually fun watching people while they aren't watching me. Even though it might sound creepy.


5 hours later.

Cameron, is in the hospital room now and he's eating a bag of chips. Everyday he comes in the hospital room with a box of chocolate and a ballon for me. Pretty soon my room with be filled, with chocolates and balloons. As I was watching every move Cameron made, since I have nothing better to do my beeper went off. I looked over, and my machine was going crazy.

The next thing I know, a while light was shown and I was standing in between white, and black. I looked to my right and there was this woman, wearing a white dress and the background was all white too.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"You have a choice my dear," the woman said.

I looked to my left, and there was a woman with a red outfit on, and her background was black.

"You can either come over here with us, and die because let's face it, you have nothing else. You know as soon as you wake up, from that coma your brother will leave back to his tour, and Hayes will never love you. He never did to begin with," the woman with the red outfit on said.

She is right.

"No! Don't listen to her, she's trying to manipulate you! Come over here! Live the rest of your life you are too young to die at the age of 16! Everything will work out for the better. We can't predict the future, so everything she is saying is a lie! Don't be stupid. Make the right choice," the woman in all white said.

'Make the right choice,' I thought.

But what if the 'right choice,' isn't really right after all? Then what?

I thought back to how Hayes hurt me, and replayed the imagine in my mind.

Him kissing that girl.

Him kissing that girl.

Him kissing that girl.

Him kissing that girl.

Him kissing that girl.

Then those 13 words, that broke my heart came to mind.

"It was all just a game, who could ever love someone like you?" Rung in my head about 5000 times.

It's time.

I know my choice.

I walked over towards the side, that I chose and smiled.


Cameron's pov


Once Mia's machine went off I panicked.

I yelled for the doctors to get in a save her and they asked me to step out of the room. Now here I was. Waiting to see if my sister lived, or if she died.

The moment where my life changes, right here in the hospital.

The doctor came out of her room, and I sat up from my chair scared for the out comes of all of this.

"she's alive," the doctor said.

I smiled, and ran over towards her room and walked through her doors.

She was staring at me, and smiled.

I ran over towards her and gave her a huge hug.

"I missed you so much!" I cried into her shoulder.

"I missed you too," she said.


Hey! I hope you enjoyed I will update, tomorrow if I have time!

I'm really trying to see my boyfriend because I miss him, and I haven't seen him in a whole week.


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- Mia :)

His sister. •SEQUAL TO 'Cameron's little sister'•Where stories live. Discover now