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Mia's pov (Sunday September 19th)


"I'm pregnant,"

Once those words left my mouth, I felt like a ballon that just blew out all of its helium. I stared at him as he just continued to look at me, and no he wasn't talking he was just staring at my stomach. I was so embarrassed right now, I probably looked like a tomato.

2 minutes probably passed and he still hasn't said a word.

I looked to my right in more embarrassment, and then looked at Cameron.

"Please say something," I whispered.

"Mia what were you thinking?" He said.

Okay I didn't expect him to say that, now I feel more stupid.

"It's Hayes fault don't blame me! I'm sixteen having sex is regular for someone my age, it's better then being thirteen," I say.

"Mia but getting pregnant at 16 is not regular, why couldn't you just have used protection Mia!? This is a huge responsibility are you even prepared for the hard work that will come with having a child?"

"That's why I wanted to talk to you, I was thinking on having an abortion, or giving the baby up for adoption,"

"Abortion is off the list, I'm not sending you to a doctors office to kill a child before it even saw the world," he said in a angry tone.

Okay then.

"Look Mia im not saying you should keep this baby, but after all it is YOUR baby, so keep the baby or give it up for adoption, but I'm here for you," he said.

'I'm here for you,' those words rung in my head, and I smiled.

I was really scared that he would react badly, but I guess him having a baby changed that.

He was about to walk out of his room, when I asked him a question.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"To take a walk, I'm stressed out right now. I'll see you later be safe," he said and left.

To late for that.

"Well thank you Hayes for being near me even though you didn't even say a word," I said.

"No problem," he said and then covered his mouth really quickly.

I laughed, and then he said, "I'm sorry,"

"It's okay, I'm going to text Naomi and ask for her to meet me at Starbucks, I'll see you later," I said, once I texted her, I walked over towards him gave him a kiss on the cheek, grabbed my purse, phone, shoes, car Keys, and drove to star bucks.


Once I arrived I ordered me a drink, and waited for Naomi to come.

About 10 minutes later after my drink arrived Naomi came walking through the door.

"What's up?" She asked me.

"This is hard to say," I pause.

"Say it now, because if you don't you won't ever say it," she said. She grabbed my drink, and took a sip of it.

His sister. •SEQUAL TO 'Cameron's little sister'•Where stories live. Discover now