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Mia's pov (Tuesday February 29th)


I was adjusting well to the circumstances that has happened to me. My grades are all A's although I'm still homeschooled. Turns out it's too late for me to go back to regular school so I have to finish the school year on the computer. I'm filling out my collage application at Starbucks while drinking a hot chocolate. Hayes is probably at football practice, he started about a month ago and it turns out he's really good. Cameron is probably watching over his girlfriend making sure everything is fine with her, I'm hoping she doesn't come live with us because I don't wanna deal with that woman. Nash might be at his job he works at a trampoline place I think it's called sky zone. We can get in for free anytime we want just because he works there. The rest of the guys are living their lives, the magcon tour was over until their manager asked them to travel again.

Once I finished my application I slurped down the rest of my now, warm  'hot chocolate,' and threw it in the trash and I made my way to the exit. 

Once I got in the car I checked my phone and I had a missed call. It was from Hayes so I call back, and it rings about 3 times before he answered. I start my car and drive out of the Starbucks parking lot.

"Hello?" Hayes asked.

"Hey wassup you called?" I asked while I drove  down the street.

"Oh yeah I was going to ask how was your day so far, and do you have any plans?" He asked me.

I turned the corner and my house came in view.

"Well I just finished my collage application, and I'm now just pulling into my driveway," I say as I actually pull into my driveway. I get my purse and I take the key out of the ignition and head inside my house.

"Okay so I'm guessing all your going to do is sit on your couch and watch tv all day?" He asked.

I placed my keys on the counter and walked over towards the couch and sat on it.

"Pretty much, you wanna come over?"

"Be there in 5," he said and hung up, I laughed and turned my tv on. I flicked through channels until I found something that I actually want to watch.

Once I went on Nikolodean sponge bob came into view and I smiled. Your NEVER too old for sponge bob, I will be 50 years old watching this and not give a damn.

I watched it for about a couple more minutes and my doorbell rung. I sat up from my comfy couch, I walked towards my door, and opened it up.

My amazing boyfriend came into view and I pulled him in and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I missed you," I whined.

"You saw me like two days ago," he laughed and pecked my lips.

"I know that's really long," I said and ran my hands threw his adorable and soft hair.

"So how is school?" I asked him.

"It's school. Boring, tiring, and I want to punch my hand threw a locker every time I walk through the doors named 'hell,' because that's how boring and tiring it is," he explained.

I laughed and walked over towards my couch.

"Sit," I said and patted the spot next to me, motioning for him to sit next to me. Once he walked over he asked me a question.

"The real question is how are you? We haven't talked about it for like a month because you always come up with a distraction," he said.

I stare at the tv for a couple of minutes and sigh.

"I'm fine Hayes, I barely have nightmares anymore I'm not scared to actually be around people. I'm doing better then I thought I would,"

"How did you think you would react?" He asked.

"To be honest I'm not the same person I was before the incident happened to me, I act differently and it's scary actually. Rude things come out of my mouth, I'm not thinking straight all of the time. I get mad easily but I still manage to keep a smile on my face throughout the day without anyone noticing that I was actually damaged. I'm also keeping my grades up on the bright side," I said and laughed.

"I'm sorry that this has happened to you," he said and grabbed my hand.

"It's not your fault," I say and look into his eyes. He looks back into mine and starts to lean in and before I know
it I'm kissing him.

I run my hands through his hair and he runs his hands down my back, he places his face into the crook of my neck and he starts to look for my sweet spot. Once he manages to find it I moan but not too loud. Its like a soft moan. I pull his shirt off and plant kisses like seeds on his chest and I then look into his eyes and kiss him again.

He pushes me to where I'm on the couch staring up at him and he takes my shirt off and I unbuckle his pants and slides them off. I arch my back and slide my pants off towards where I'm just in my undergarments.

He gets up from the couch and stands and I do the same and kiss him. He lifts me up and I kiss on his neck while he carries me upstairs. He plops me on the bed softly and I take off my panties and underwear. He takes his boxers off and looks me in the eyes and I know that I was him.

"Are you sure? I don't want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable," he asks me.

"I'm sure," I whisper and he nods his head and does the thing that iv been waiting for. He slides it in me.


Well! I hope you enjoyed comment and vote for more updates.

- Mia :)

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