C | 9 part 2.

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Mia's pov (Sunday August 28th)


"Hayes want to head to the pool?" I ask him.

He comes sliding down the stairs on the railing, and then walks over towards me.

"Yes!" He screams in my face. I close my eyes and laugh.

"Okay let me get ready, and then I'll drive you to your house and you can get ready too," I say and run upstairs.

Once I'm in my room, I decide on a bikini to wear. My favorite color is blue, so I'll pick out the bikini that I designed myself. The top is blue with a heart and the bottom has the words 'Hayes,' with red letters on my ass. Hayes asked me to make it, I wasn't too much of a fan of it but HEYY! If it makes him shut up then I'll do whatever.

I slip on my outfit, some shorts, a tank top, slip on my sandals, grab my stuff, and head downstairs.

"You ready?" I ask Hayes.

"Yes," he says. We walk out of my house, walk towards the car, and once we are in I start it and drive off.

As we are passing we pass a sign of Donald trump.

I roll my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Hayes asks me.

"Nothing I'm just scared that Donald trump will become president," I say and continue driving.

"How will that effect you though?"

"My dad was Hispanic, I never told you this but when my mom was split up with Cameron's dad she saw someone and they hooked up. She had sex and I was the baby in her stomach. I'm half Hispanic and half white Hayes. What if he sends me all the way across the fucking border!?" I yell.

"Calm down haha he won't do that, Cameron looks white just be near him all the time,"

I make a confused face and turn my head towards him.

"Cameron can pass off looking Hispanic you know? I think it's just the hair,"

"Yea my hottie," he says.

I laugh and make an 'ew,' sound.

We pull up in his garage and since he has a pool at his house we will be staying here.

I walk inside, and outside in the back yard. His parents are at work I think, so the house is to our selves.

Hayes comes downstairs in his swimming shorts with no shirt on.

I then take off my tank top, and my shorts and and once I have everything off except my bikini I walk over towards Hayes.

"You ready?" I ask him.

He takes a second to recollect what he's saying, and just nods his head.

I jump in the pool, and he jumps in with me and while I'm sinking to the bottom I look at Hayes, and he swims over towards me and kisses me under water. I pull away and float to the top.


After Hayes and I finished swimming, we ate burgers and watched a couple movies. He drove me home, and went home because school is tomorrow.

Yay! (Sarcastic tone)

I get dressed, wash my face in rice and lay in the bed and doze off.


Hey! Comment and vote, for another update today.

- Mia :)

His sister. •SEQUAL TO 'Cameron's little sister'•Where stories live. Discover now