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Mia's pov (Tuesday August 23rd)


"I'll be needing stitches!!!!!" Is the first thing I heard when I woke up.


I opened my eyes and squinted, them. The light was blinding me!

"Needle and a thread got to get you out of my head!" Was being yelled. Let me guess... Cameron?

I sat up from my bed, and rubbed my eyes.

I got up, and walked out of my room, walked down the hall and stopped at Cameron's door.

"Cameron!" I yelled.

He didn't answer me, instead he kept singing louder.

I opened his door, and he was wrapped in a towel holding a hair brush singing 'stitches,' by Shawn Mendes.

I walked over towards his music source and stopped it.

"Stop yelling," I whispered in the most angriest tone ever.

"Somebody's on their period," he said, and burste out into laughter.

I rolled my eyes, and walked out of my room to get dressed for school.


Once I was ready, I checked my phone to see if I had any messages.

I had one from, Michael. Yay!

I checked it and it read.

Michael! - Hey is it okay if i pick you up, and drive you to school? I love spending time with you!

I smiled, and started to blush.

Me - yes sure, text me when your here.

I grabbed my phone, and my book bag and walked downstairs and began eating a banana for breakfast.

My phone buzzed, so I took a look at it.

Michael - I'm outside!

Me - okay I'm on my way.

I grabbed my stuff for school, slipped on my black timbs and walked to his car. Once I got in, I gave Michael a hug.

"Hey I missed you," he said.

"You saw me yesterday," I said and laughed.

"So haha i still can miss you can't I?"

I nodded my head, and laughed.

"Well I miss you too,"

He started the car and we drove off to school.


Michael and I walked into school, side by side. He walked me over towards my locker, and I grabbed my books for history class.

He already had his books, so we started walking towards class until I felt the sudden, urge to use the bathroom.

"Can you excuse me real quick, I really need to tinkle," I said and laugh.

"Yea sure, see you in class?"

"Yes," I said and walked in the bathroom.


I walked out of the bathroom, and smashed into somebody and dropped my books in the process.

His sister. •SEQUAL TO 'Cameron's little sister'•Where stories live. Discover now