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Mia's pov (Thursday June 4th)


I finished eating my captain crunch cereal as I place my bowl in the sink. Hayes was out doing something and Nash, and Cameron were upstairs in Nash's room playing video games. I still haven't forgave Cameron and I'm not looking forward to it. I was walking upstairs to Hayes room as my phone buzzed so I take a look at it.

Babe we are going to play a fun game.

As soon as I was typing I heard Cameron.

"I'm gonna go home and check on my girlfriend and daughter. Bye you two," Cameron said as he left.

I smiled at the text Hayes sent me and sent him one back.

Want kind of game?

I walked in Hayes room and grabbed clothes from my bag that I brought with us. I wonder where Gilinsky went I haven't seen him this morning. As I walked in the bathroom and placed my clothes on the toilet I turned the shower on.

I checked my phone one more time and I had another message from Hayes.

A scavenger hunt game. Get ready for the day and text me once your dressed and ready to leave the house.

I put my phone on the charger as I hop into the shower. I rinse my hair out and wash all over my body. Once I'm finished I get out of the shower and dry myself off. I grab my phone and send Hayes a text.

I'm ready.

Even though I'm not ready I'll just hurry up. I put on my outfit for the day as I put my hair into a high pony tail. I slip on my red vans as my phone buzzes.

Okay your first clue is : A big sign that is red.

A big sign that is red!? Obviously it's some place that we have been to before but iv been to so many places.

What about the stop sign that we used to go to when we were little kids that was near our stop for the school bus? I grab my phone as I hop into my car to drive to the destination. When I get there I see nothing near there and that's when realization struck me.


I smile to myself as I drive all the way to target and once I'm there I see a note that's on top of a trash can.

If you want to get to your destination you need a battery.

Huh? I need a car battery but there's nothing near my car.

What does that mean? Down town Charleston!

I get in my car as I drive all the way there and once I get there I get out to look around.

I check near the benches, trash cans, even a statue that they have there and I still can't find the clue. I continue looking until I see another statue that says something with the word 'battery,' in it. I look around the statue and I eventually find a sheet of paper hidden in a crack.

Go to substation and talk to Gilinsky.

I sigh as I get back in my car and drive to the substation. I make a U-turn into the parking lot as I exit my car. I walk inside the substation as I see Jack sitting in one of the chairs there.

"Hey," I say once I approach him.

"Hey," he said as he gave me a hug.

"Is this my destination?" I asked him.

He shakes his head as he starts to explain.

"In order to get your clue you need to order a sub," he says pointing to the man smiling at me behind the register.

I order the number 5 sandwich and once my food arrives I began eating. When I finished the sandwich I noticed a note on the bottom of the plate as
I was about to throw it out. I pick it up and read it.

Go to ya old front porch. Trail wood!

I thank Gilinsky as I get back into my car to drive back to my old house. Once I arrive I take a look near all of the bushes. I can't find anything so I look
on my front porch. I see a note slipping out of my door so I grab the note and take a look at it.

Take yo ass back downtown.

I groan as I see a rose in the door handle. I pick it up and smile to myself as I walk back to my car. I drive back down town which took about 30 minutes. Once I arrive I look near the fountain and I can't find anything. I stick my hand in all of the bushes and I still can't find anything. I check on the benches and I find the note so I sit down as I take a look at it.

Now sit and wait.

I laugh and continue sitting down until I see Cameron walking towards me. I was confused until he sat down and started speaking.

"Did you have fun on your scavenger hunt?" He asked me with a smile.

I nod my head awkwardly.

"Was this your plan?" I asked him.

"Yeah. After I saw my daughter and my girlfriend I came here and iv been waiting here for about 30 minutes,"

"So now that I'm here what do you need?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry. I did all of this and I hope you enjoy the rose that I bought you. I'm not in the mood for arguing I just want to apologize. I understand that all of this was my fault. I'm taking full responsibility and I hope you except my apology," he says with a slight smile.

I should forgive him after all he did go through all of this just for me to accept his apology. I can't be mad at him forever he is the one who raised me.

"Do you forgive me?" He asked again.

I nod my head as I give him a tight hug.


It took me forever to come up with what to write for this chapter and I've finally came up with what to type. Please comment and vote what you thought about the chapter. I hope you enjoy I will update when I get the chance.

Mia xoxo

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