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Mia's pov (Tuesday June 2nd)


Schools starts Monday. I finished un packing all of my clothes. I took a walk around campus and it's actually really soothing. I decided that that's what I was going to do every morning. I change into some sporting wear and slip on some nikes. I tie my hair into a pony tail as I was leaving my door. I have a roommate I just don't know who it is yet, she hasn't came to un pack all of her stuff and she has until Saturday. I leave my phone in my drawer that's next to my bed just in case the person does come in a sees my phone and tries to steal it.

As I run through campus I admire the pretty trees that surround it. I keep running until I can't anymore it's like the only thing that takes away all of my stress. That keeps my mind off of Hayes. As I run I start to get tired I sat down on a bench that people can sit on through lunch or breaks. As I was drinking my water bottle someone sat next to me. I look over and recognize that it was Jack G. Wait how!?

"What the hell?" I asked.

Jack G looked at me and opened his eyes wide.

"Omg trust me Mia I did not notice you were here. I was just running like I always do every morning. Wait what are you doing?" He asked me.

"I'm starting college. What are YOU doing here?"

"Same. First why do you sound so disgusted to see me?"

"I'm sorry I just came here to get away from all of my stress. Your adding to it right now,"  I said yawning. I was still tired.

"I applied as soon as Magcon ended because I didn't have anything to do. Well, I'm hoping that we can be like best friends since we go to the same college," he said with a smirk as he got up and ran.

I shook my head as I got up to run all the way to my dorm. I was not expecting to see Jack G here at all and it surprised me when I did. When I get back to my dorm room I see that the door was creaked open. I take my shoe
off to beat whoever it was. When I open the door I notice Noami. NOO!!!

"What the fuck?" I said.

"Mia!" Noami yelled as she ran towards me to give me a hug.

I didn't even hug her back and she noticed.

"Why aren't you hugging me back?" She asked in a curious tone.

"I'm shocked," I lied. I was furious. I wanted to make new friends, get a new start but I guess that isn't happening any time soon.

"I'm going to get some lunch do you want anything?" She asked me.

"Get me a cheese burger," I said. When she left I grabbed my phone and called Hayes.

His phone went to voice mail so I decided to leave him one.

Hey it's Hayes sorry I couldn't get to your call please leave a message after this MOTHA FREAKIN beep. Bye.


After I heard his voice I started to cry and it took me a minute to collect myself.

"Hayes I really miss you," I cried into the phone.

"I don't know how I can go 5 months until I can see you again," I take a minute to calm myself down as I began to speak again.

"I love you so much I need to talk to you about what I just saw. Please call me back. I love y-" the voicemail went off before I could even finish my sentence. I sighed as I dropped on my bed.

I thought about how my life at college will be and how it will change my life. If Naomi and Jack are going to be here im going to need them to not speak about magcon or anything that has happened before college. I only want to hear about good memories.

As I kept thinking Noami walked in the room, following her was Jack.

"I thought no boys aloud in the girls dorm room?" I asked Naomi.

"They won't no," she said with a smirk.

Jack sat on the chair that was in the room and ate his burger.

"Can you guys not mention any bad memories that I have relived. I'm just trying to start fresh," I explain.

"You can't run away from your problems Mia," Jack G said as he was taking another bite out of his burger.

I opened up my burger up and took a bite out of it.

"Well if I can't do that then I can certainly eat my way through my problems,"

"Mia talk to me," Naomi said grabbing my hand.

"What's the problem? You wouldn't even speak to me the last time I saw you, you just came and left,"

"It's Cameron. He's blamed me for months and months and as soon as I'm leaving for college he thinks he can apologize," I explain.

"Well did you forgive him?" Jack asked.

"Hell no," I said and rolled my eyes.

"What about Cameron?" Naomi asked.

I took another bite out out my burger before I began to explain.

"Hayes and I are fine. Yes I forgave him maybe I was stupid for doing that but I needed him. I trust him now and believe me he hasn't done anything to screw up my trust,"

Naomi nods her head in understanding.

"So what do you two want to do?" Jack asked.

"Nothing I would just like to get some sleep if you don't mind," I said throwing my wrapper in the trash next to my bed.

"Bye Mia," Jack said giving me a hug and leaving.

"I'll just listen to music on my iPod if you need me I'm right on the other side of the room," Naomi said and sat on her bed.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


Comment and vote on what you think. This is basically just a filler until I decide on when to get to my actual idea on the ending or whatever. I know what I'm going to do I just don't know when to do it.

Mia xoxo

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