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Damn fr only 2 days left until I'm ending this book. I wonder if I should do a book number 3? Comment your opinion about the idea!

Mia's pov (Wednesday June 8th)


The good thing about to today is that I can go back home to visit Hayes, Cameron, and Nash after all of my classes are finished. We don't have any classes tomorrow, or Friday for some odd reason. I'm not complaining it means that I can be with my family more than I have to. I finished working out this morning, I finished getting ready for the day so that left me with walking to my morning class. When I walked inside I waited for the professor to join the class. I read 'the fault in our stars,' until then and a couple minutes later he entered.

"Good Morning everybody. Let's go over some new important information that will be based on your future..."


When class was over I had a 15 minute break. As I was walking to my spot that I like to relax at Gilinsky was trying to stop me from walking. I continue anyway, because I had nothing to say to him. I was disguised at what I saw Naomi and him almost do.

When I reached my chill zone I sat down and grabbed my book from my bag. I had about 10 minutes due to the walk so I had enough time to probably finish this book. Gilinsky came and I tried to ignore him but he was aggravating my soul.

"What?" I snapped.

"Madison broke up with me," he said whispering.

"Not surprised," I said smirking.

"Look I wish I can take back what I did with Naomi. Do you even know what she did to me?" He asked me.

I rose my eyebrows waiting for him to continue and he did.

"Well I was at the gym working off. Madison was finishing up some extra work for her classes and Naomi walked in. I payed her no mind and as I finished working out Naomi chased after me,"

"And?" I asked.

"And she asked me what Madison and I were and I said we were a couple. She said she just saw Madison kissing some guy and I shouldn't have believed her but I did. She kissed me and I know I was stupid enough to kiss her back and it just went out of hands," he explained.

I was more pissed at Naomi than I was at Jack to be completely honest. I looked at my phone and I had 5 more minutes to continue this conversation.

"Okay Jack," I said sighing and standing up grabbing my bags and books.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked with a look of guilt plastered on his face.

"I'm more mad at Naomi than I'm mad at you. If you want me to forgive you it will take me a while... I hope you understand," I said walking to my next class.

As I was walking my phone buzzed so I reached for it in my back pocket.

It was from Hayes the only person who actually texts me.

Hey baby. Can't wait to see you tomorrow afternoon!

I smiled and looked up to see where I was going. I was right around the corner from my class.

I started typing on my phone as I made my way in class, and took a seat at a empty desk.

Can't wait to see you soon.
I'll text you later class is starting in any minute. I love you!

He sent me a quick 'I love you too,' and I locked my phone and put it back in my bag as the teacher was walking in with papers in his hand.


I finished up my last two classes as I walked back to my dorm room. It was empty which I liked I didn't want to talk to Naomi. I sat on my bed and took my shoes off dropping them on the side
of my bed. I grabbed some books from my bag and began studying everything that I have learned today. I have a test when schools back on again and I was not happy about it. Although my grades are all A's I was still scared that this test would affect it.

I kept studying until my phone buzzed distracting me I grabbed it from my bag.

It was Hayes texting me saying.

What are you doing, ;)

I laughed because of the little winking thing he sent with it and started typing.

Trying to study but you alway distract me.

I waited for his response as I saw the typing thing go up and down.

Bad girl. You're supposed to keep your grades high!

My grades are high know it all.

I laughed as I sent the text.

Better be. Or else I would have to come up their and make you study.

He sent.

How will I get any studying done if you are next to me?

Well your right about that... I would fuck you so much that you would forget about school work.

I opened my eyes wide and started laughing at his dumb comment.

Yeah okay.

Got to go now I have dinner with my mother. I love you bye!

Bye, I love you too!

I sent. I placed my phone down and changed into some more comfortable clothes to lay in.

I was really tired and I wanted today to be over with this day so in the morning I could get ready to see Hayes tomorrow. I began packing everything I would need for the week which was allot in my opinion.

When I was finished I laid down on my bed and thought about everything that has happened in my life so far. Even though collage was stressful it was nice to be here. Even though I missed Hayes the break was good for us. I couldn't wait to feel his soft plump lips on mine once again.


COMMENT AND VOTE. I will NOT update until I get a comment on how this has went OR if I should make a book 3!

Mia xoxo

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