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Mia's pov (Tuesday March 26th)


Once I finished packing my stuff for the plan ride I laid on the bed. It's 9 am and the plan goes off at 12 pm. Im so tired! I had to get up at 8 am to get ready and then I had to pack. I'm starting to wish that I didn't bring all of these clothes but I know I had too.

Someone walked through the door and I turned to see Cameron.

"Hey are you finished?" He asked me.

"Yeah," I said in a low but tired voice.

"Okay well do you want to get some food from IHOP that's down the street?" He asked me.

I smiled wide, grabbed my phone, and walked out the door.

Once I reached the lobby everyone was there except Hayes.

"Where's Hayes?" I asked Nash as I walked up to him.

"He's sleeping in he got home late last nigh,"

"What time?"

"2 am," he replied.

That's weird because we got home earlier then 2 am. We got home at like 11:30, maybe he was just out with one of the guys. I didn't want to over think it so I just went with my thoughts and walked outside with the rest of the guys.

As we were walking to IHOP I made small talk with mahogany and carter. My phone buzzed and I picked it up to see I was getting a call from Naomi. Once I answered she screamed through the phone. I pulled the phone away from my ear and laughed.

"What's up?" She asked normally after.

"Getting ihop with everyone how about you?" I asked her.

"Nothing bored. I miss you!" She yelled.

"I miss you too," I laughed.

"Guess what?" She asked excited.


"I'm coming to magcon with you guys!" She yelled.

I screamed and everyone looked at me and I laughed my ass off.

"When are you coming?" I asked him.

"Tomorrow morning look I have to finish packing. See you tomorrow okay?"

"Okay bye," I said and hung up.

I ordered my food at ihop and began eating the delicious food.


We were all at the airport right now and I was eating a bag of chips because I was a little bit hungry. I was sitting on my phone watching 'the vampire diaries,' on Netflix. I love Stefan Salvatore and Damon Salvatore . The sexy Salvatore brothers.

Once I was in the middle of my show the plane was now boarding. I grabbed my stuff and walked onto the plane with everyone else.

I was sitting next to Cameron and Taylor this time.

I want to sit with Hayes!! He hasn't even tried to talk to me today which was disappointing.

The plane started to take off and I rested my head on Cameron's shoulder while watching 'the vampire diaries,' and tried to fall asleep but somehow I couldn't. We were heading to Atlanta and it is hot there. I soon fell alseep on Cameron shoulders to the sound of people talking through my headphones.


Once we exited the plane I grabbed my stuff and hopped into the hotel with everyone. Hayes was across from me so I decided to text him.

Hey. - me.

He looked at me and sighed and answered.

Hello - Hayes.

I smile because he answered.

Are you okay? - me

I heard him groan in annoyance and that made my smile fade.

We need to talk - Hayes.

I was confused at the moment. Did I do something wrong? Let me ask him.

Did I do anything wrong? - me

No I did - Hayes

Once I read that I felt tears fill my eyes. Did he cheat on me? Is that why he got to the hotel so late?

Why can't you just tell me what you did now? - me

I looked at him as he looked at me and he had a look of guilt written over his face.

He started typing on his phone so I looked at my scream as my phone buzzed.

Okay yesterday as I dropped you off I went to the pool with Aaron. As he was using the bathroom I saw someone very familiar - Hayes

Continue - me

It was my ex - Hayes

I read the message over and over again. I looked at him as he looked at me searching for a sign of emotion. I didn't know what to feel.

I started to send him a message.

Did she come over towards you? - me

Yes... - Hayes

I felt like my heart broke. But he might not of kissed her I just need to find out.

And what happened? - me

We started to catch up about our life. I did tell her I had a girlfriend and then we started to drink a little bit. - Hayes

I already knew where this was going as I saw the three dots moves up and down meaning he was typing.

And we kissed - Hayes.

Once I read the message I closed my phone and looked out the window. I couldn't make eye contact with him right now.

Yes he was drunk and he can still control his actions.

I will not forgive him for this.

As I held back the tears I walked up to the hotel room.

I was rooming with Cameron and Nash this time.

I unpacked my stuff and changed into something more comfortable. I can't wait until Naomi is here I need something to keep my mind off of Hayes.

I cried myself to sleep silently making sure Cameron or Nash couldn't here me.


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- Mia :)

His sister. •SEQUAL TO 'Cameron's little sister'•Where stories live. Discover now