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Calum was so tired. He had just gotten off his shift at In N' Out and today had been horrible. A little kid had spilled a chocolate shake all over the floor, the table, and Calum himself. He hadn't been able to change so he was stuck in a sticky, cold shirt all day.

He slammed the front door of his apartment shut and threw his work mandated snapback onto the counter. His shirt soon followed by throwing it on to the floor to wash it later. He was just so ready to sleep. Saturday shifts were always the worst. Everyone would rush in during lunch and it made him panic.

Calum walked past his completely bare apartment and made his way to his bedroom. Even though he had lived there for two years, he had no furniture. He had been saving up but something always seemed to happen that would make him lose the money. (He may have had a fixation with limited edition band merchandise but no one had to know that).

He had a recliner in the living room with a tiny TV from the early 2000's (he rarely used it because there was such thing as Netflix) and he had two chairs at his counter for breakfast. If it weren't for the fact that Calum left his apartment to work, no one would know the space was inhibited. They'd have to go to the pits of his room to see his crumpled bed sheets and guitar sitting in the corner.

Calum liked living a simple life, anything else would leave him very stressed. He worked, he'd post covers, and he'd write some music. He hung out with his friend Tessa whenever they both could. Not much differed. Well sometimes he'd go out and venture to the pet shop a few blocks down and play with the puppies that he had. He had one that was his favorite and he wanted it so badly yet he definitely couldn't afford the Australian Shepard mutt.

Calum walked into his room and shrugged off his jeans and grabbing a different shirt, it was a 5 Seconds of Summer shirt he got at the Forum the year before, changing into it. He flopped down on his bed and grabbed his phone that was still placed in his jeans pocket.

He scrolled through a few messages and decided to ignore them for now. He clicked out of the app and went to the next one he normally went to, Twitter. Calum responded to a few of the praises in his mentions before going and clicking on the Direct Message icon, seeing someone had actually messaged him.

Michael5SOS: I thought we were becoming friends but you didn't respond to me dude

CoversByC: NFJFSDJFND I read it but forgot. Sorry dude. Big fan. Actually wearing a shirt from when you guys played at The Forum last year

Calum was not expecting a fast response but two minutes later he had a response. Calum rolled over on to his stomach and held his phone out in front of him.


CoversByC: that would just be too easy. I'm a boy and I like to sing.

Michael5SOS: I mean my dad is a boy and he likes to sing but that doesn't mean that he keeps his identity secret


CoversByC: you literally found my covers yesterday im not about to jump on that bro my best friend in the whole wide world doesn't even know

Calum chuckled at how eager Michael was through messaging and was in awe that he wanted to message the brunette boy.

Michael5SOS: please C? (I don't know your name)

CoversByC: (you wont learn my name) call me daddy instead ;-)

CoversByC: JFKSF I'm kidding I'm such a bottom

CoversByC: why am I telling you this

CoversByC: I love being anonymous

Calum was blushing as he sent the messages. He was nervous to be messaging such an inspiration to him. He loved 5 Seconds Of Summer almost as much as he loved Ed Sheeran and that was saying something.

Michael5SOS: good to know baby boy ;-)

Michael5SOS: daddy will punish you if you don't tell me who you are

Calum choked on his spit as he read the message and couldn't believe that Michael would send such a message.

Michael5SOS: kidding but seriously I wish I knew who you were your covers are amazing I LOVED YOUR GIVE ME NOVACAINE COVER IT GAVE ME CHILLS

CoversByC: tell me what song I should cover next and I'll dedicate it to you ;-))))))

Michael5SOS: um um um uM

Michael5SOS: Drown by BMTH?

Calum held back a laugh, knowing he had already covered the song. He loved how excited Michael got.

CoversByC: already covered.


Michael5SOS: Missing You by ATL

CoversByC: covered as well

Michael5SOS: god bless

Michael5SOS: November by SWS?

CoversByC: I'll make it my Monday cover. I only post three days a week

Michael5SOS: ONLY three days a week. I wish I had your dedication. I barely find motivation to put on pants. Much less record three videos a week. Especially since its covers and those are difficult to record and edit and post.

CoversByC: well I mean I am a professional.


Calum was surprised by how long he and Michael had been talking and how easy it was to talk to him. He was normally really shy in person but here he was having a long conversation with Michael. Calum yawned and shifted so that his back would crack. He only had to work a six hour shift tomorrow and he knew that he'd be exhausted if he didn't get to sleep soon.

CoversByC: ;-))))))))

CoversByC: I got to go but I'll message you tomorrow!!

Michael5SOS: Ok :-( goodnight don't dream of me too much

CoversByC: ffs michael

Calum turned his phone off, plugging it in to the charger before going and laying down completely on the bed again. He had only talked to Michael once but he really liked it. He wished he could continue talking to him tonight but he was so exhausted. He liked that Michael was interested in him for his talent and not for his –somewhat decent- looks. Michael wanted to get to know him for his music. Not for anything else.

He couldn't wait to see where his friendship with Michael would go and was hoping something good would come out of it. Calum knew nothing would though. He was terrified of singing in his apartment in fear that someone would hear him and it would only be worse once he had to sing in front of a crowd. Calum hated his onstage anxiety and nothing would change that.


This was so long what the heck. THIS WONT BE A MESSAGE STYLE BOOK I PROMISE. I don't like writing them (why I unpublished Backstage) and basically it'll only be like this when Michael talks to Calum when he's C. Some cool stuff will happen next chapter though ;-)


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