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"Don't be an asshole. Tell me where we are," Calum grumbled.

He could hear footsteps all around him and multiple, multiple different voices but he had no idea on what was truly surrounding him. He clung to Michael's arm, as the now emerald-haired boy dragged him through the crowd.

He heard the scanning of  barcode and soon felt himself be taken through some set of doors. The musty smell of old leather and stale beer filled Calum's senses as he tried to guess where he was.

"I'll suck your dick if you tell me where we are," Calum suggested, leaning more in to Michael. Michael sighed but couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't say that!" Michael said, a chuckle escaping his lips.

Calum felt as Michael lead him down three steps and then down a ramp and then four more steps. Calum felt as they walked forward and loud groups of people seemed to surround them.

"Fuck, we're at a concert," Calum gasped, hearing a few words. He caught "State Champs" and "Neck Deep" but he wasn't sure if he had heard correctly.

He felt himself be shoved forward and the space got tighter, confirming his suspicions. He felt Michael's fingers brush against the back of his head and the blindfold, one of Ashton's bandanas that Michael had stolen, was removed from his eyes. Calum gasped as he saw the stage merely fifteen feet in front of him.

It was moments like these that Calum felt like he was blessed to be tall because he could easily see over the teenage girl's and even some guys.

"State Champs and Neck Deep. I just brought you here for now but when the show starts we can go to the VIP booth. It's a lot calmer there," Michael explained.

"No thank you. I like to stay in the pit and meet people and just be close to the music," Calum said, "And I don't think it's fair to the others if we get to go even though they were here earlier."

"You're too generous. If it gets too bad in the pit though, we can go. I don't want you feeling hurt or anything," Michael said, putting his arms around Calum. They shifted so that Michael's head was resting in the crook of Calum's neck and the two were looking at the stage.

"I am six foot Michael. I have more of a probability of hurting others than they do of hurting me," Calum said, "How did you even manage to get tickets for this so soon? I was looking last week and they were over a hundred dollars."

"I toured with State Champs and we're really good friends. I asked them awhile back and they gave me two tickets. I just had to find someone to go with," Michael explained.

"Then why the whole 'blindfolding me and dragging me' ordeal?" Calum asked.

"Did you actually think we were going to walk at the beach? I burn just thinking about the sun. I knew you'd say no if I just offered so I had to get sneaky. I know you hate me buying you things but this was free," Michael said after a few seconds. It took him a bit to think through on what he had to say.

"You could've just said it was free. I am human. I do like free stuff," Calum said, making Michael groan and roll his eyes.

"You mean I snuck in to Ashton's room to steal his bandana for no reason?" Michael asked.

"Well, yeah," Calum answered.

"I literally found all the lace panties and dildos Ashton keeps for Luke and had to suffer through that image for nothing?" Michael asked again.

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