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"Is the beanie, the hoodie and the sunglasses really necessary?" Calum asked softly, leading Michael to their destination. He felt weird holding Michael's hand but Michael insisted on "the buddy system". The blue-haired boy's hand felt nice in his so he wasn't about to put in a complaint though.

"I'm on a break right now. I don't really want to be seen. I love my fans but I don't want cameras in my face today and I don't want you to deal with that either," Michael explained.

"I doubt somebody's going to find you an hour out of Los Angeles," Calum commented lowly, he didn't expect Michael to hear him, but oh he did.

"I have fans all over the world. Especially in California. We'd be mobbed in an instant if they found out where we were," Michael argued.

"Okay. Okay. I get your point. I doubt anyone will be here though. I come here at least every other week and the most amount of people I've seen is five or six. We'll be fine," Calum said, pulling the door open to the CD shop and leading Michael inside.

Michael was in awe as he noticed the racks and racks of music all around him. Calum lead him over to his favorite section and soon the two were looking through multiple 70's rock and 80's rock records. There were multiple collectibles and CDs and records and t-shirts and posters and the whole thing was just incredible to Michael.

"This is incredible," Michael said, looking at a signed 'The Sex Pistols' CD that was hidden behind a locked glass cabinet.

"I've had my eye on that one for such a long time. But of course living in an apartment in Los Angeles and only making twelve-fifty an hour at In-N-Out doesn't help," Calum commented, looking in awe at the CD, "Steve Jones is such a legend. I wish I could play an instrument half as well as he did."

"You play an instrument?" Michael asked, taking his eyes away from the signed 'Back in Black' ACDC CD that was next to the other one they had been talking about.

"Uhm, uh, uhm, no. I said I wish I could. Zero musical talent here. I broke my cousin's ukulele trying to play it once," Calum interjected quickly, stuttering a bit over his words.

He cursed himself for even talking in the first place. It was technically true that he had broken his cousin's ukulele but it was because the small instrument couldn't take the pressure Calum was putting on it with playing the notes.  He wasn't about to say that though.

"Please tell me you got them another one," Michael said, chuckling at the blushing boy.

"I had to. I used to work at a daycare in Australia and it took a week of pay to pay it off," Calum said sadly. He had been saving up for Ed Sheeran's new guitar at that time and it had completely fell through.

He had to wait about three months more to buy it. He was glad though that he finally had it.

"That sucks. I can only imagine. Like that job probably didn't earn a lot of money and you still tried to pay it back. And ukuleles can be super expensive depending on which one they had. I know Luke bought one once for three hundred and fifty and Ashton sat on it a week later because he couldn't find it. I cried from laughing when that happened," Michael said, laughing a bit at the memory and coaxing a laugh from the smaller brunette.

"Tell me about it. Hers was a graduation present and cost four hundred bucks! It took me all of my saved up furniture money to pay it off," Calum said, rolling his eyes.

"At least you have furniture now, right?" Michael asked and Calum bit back a laugh.

He had a recliner in the living room in front of an old TV that the former owners had left. He had a fold up table with two lawn chairs and the only room that had decent furniture was his bedroom. There he had a bed and a dresser and his closet. Not much more.

He didn't need a TV really, he had his laptop. He didn't need a decent kitchen table, he had his bed. It all made sense to him.

Calum always liked using his money on necessities, like new music and clothes. He also had a savings account but there was maybe ten thousand in that from his YouTube videos. He had an extra, empty room that held everything music and everything he'd need for his covers and even then some of the stuff would move rooms occasionally. Things like his CD player and laptop.

"I mean, my kitchen table is an old poker table, but yeah I have furniture," Calum answered, making Michael snort.

"I must see this poker slash kitchen table," Michael said, Calum laughing softly.

"It's not that impressive but maybe next time we'll hang out at my apartment instead," Calum said, turning back to the CDs and started digging through them.


"I can't believe you paid for my eighty dollar order," Calum said, astonished, as the pair walked out of the store.

Michael had barely given Calum time to pull out his wallet by the time he was taking out his own credit card to pay for the things Calum had bought. Calum had argued with him but Michael eventually his hand over his mouth so Calum couldn't keep talking.

"I didn't want you to pay so much money. I make what you make in a month in an hour. Or something like that," Michael said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Michael, no. Don't do that. I can pay for myself. I work a lot of hours, about fifty a week, and plan it so I can pay for things myself. I don't need you paying for me.

"I just wanted to help. It isn't an issue at all," Michael said softly, he felt bad for doing so now.

"It was nice but you didn't have to. It's kind of an issue because I feel like you look at me like a kicked puppy now. I promise Michael, I can fend for myself," Calum said, not meaning to sound scolding but he was.

Michael nodded his head in agreement and grabbed onto Calum's hand again so they could get to the car.

He just hoped and prayed that Calum wouldn't react horribly once he saw the signed The Sex Pistols' CD that was at the bottom of his bag.


Hi. This is my last update for a week. I'm on a hiatus for personal reasons. Do not comment asking for updates or I will not update for a month. <3333


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