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Calum hadn't run so fast since he had to take gym in year seven. His chest felt as if it were concaving every time he took another step. The boy was known for not doing any physical activity and this was killing him. He knew that if he didn't get to Michael before the redhead left the apartment then his secret would be out.

The brown boy saw his boyfriend reach for his jacket that was elegantly thrown onto the beach chair.

"Michael, wait!" Calum called out.

The pale boy glanced up, his eyes glistening with a few tears, before he started walking away.

Calum ran the last ten feet forward and jumped up onto Michael's back. The pale boy stumbled a bit and sadly he wasn't expecting one hundred and sixty pounds of teenage boy to land on him. Both of his knees harshly hit the floor and he was soon sprawled out with Calum on top of him.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I was just trying to get you to not leave. I want to explain not hurt you, oh my god," Calum rambled quickly. He quickly got off of Michael and allowed for the boy to roll over onto his back before he sat on him again.

Calum's legs straddled Michael's thighs and he made sure the two were making eye contact. His face slowly lowered so that he was closer to Michael so that he could get his point across.

"I did not use. I never used you and I don't want to ever use you. Please don't ever think that. I started this YouTube account years ago and I never expected it to get this big. I never would've used you to make it grow. That's unneeded for me. I don't care about the fame at all. I just like being able to get my writing and my talent across. Even if it's one person or one hundred thousand, I'm still the same person. I don't care about followers or anything like that; as long as I can change one person's life, I don't care. I never really lied to you. I just never told you, I guess," Calum started.

Michael rolled his eyes, knowing that it was partially true. Quite frankly if Calum cared about fame, his kitchen table wouldn't be a domino table he bought for ten dollars at a garage sale.

"I always wanted to find a way to get my music out there, somehow. I was just so scared. I was just to quiet to do so. After having been bullied in middle school, I kind of just got really quiet and really shy and insecure and I got scared of doing anything. I got more and more quiet throughout high school. I just got scared to be myself. I couldn't get in front of people or onstage without feeling sick to my stomach and like I was going to throw up. I couldn't even show my face without being terrified of what others would say. I started the account while I was still in high school and I didn't want people in school to find out that it was me. I didn't want the bullying from middle school to come back," Calum continued, taking maybe one breath in between the whole phrase he had said. He started talking faster and faster as he tried to rush everything out so Michael wouldn't want to leave.

"I created the account so that I would be anonymous and I could do what I loved but I could do it comfortably. This was a way that I could get my message across and still be able to live a normal life and not be terrified of people judging me. My intention was never to use you and I'm so sorry if you feel that way. I would never use you Michael and I care about you so much and it saddens me so much that you would ever think that," Calum finally said. He figured he had said everything that he needed to and he had no idea what else he could say.

Calum was panting as he finished talking, not really used to saying so many words at one time. The brown boy was quiet and he hadn't talked that much at once since the time he got drunk with his best friend in high school.

"Calm down," Michael said softly, "I'm sorry baby. I overreacted. After you explained everything- it just clicked. I'm just so used to having people use me for fame and attention that it was the first conclusion I jumped to."

He felt bad after Calum had explained everything. The brown boy was never really open with his emotions and he just put everything he could down on the table. Calum never liked being the center of attention and would focus on others emotions before his own. For that, Michael was proud of him for explaining how he felt.

The taller boy slowly moved his head up and pressed his lips firmly to Calum's. He wanted the smaller boy to know that he meant what he was saying. Calum responded eagerly and allowed for Michael to take control of the kiss.

Michael prodded Calum's lips open and allowed for their tongues to meet together. Calum whimpered softly as Michael flipped the two over and he was lying on him. The small boy's hands made their way into his lover's hair and pulled softly.

"You're so special," Michael panted out, after he had pulled away slowly to take a breath.

"You're so special to me, baby," the pale boy said happily, pressing his lips to Calum's once again.


I had four days off and I've been so busy rip.


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