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Calum despised his working the late shifts. He didn't understand why they had to stay open until 4 am because most of the time only one or two people would walk in. It was currently two-forty-five and he still had an hour and fifteen minutes until he could go home.

There was only two other people in the building besides him, the cook, Lenny, and one customer. He wouldn't mind if it was Kai cooking today because that boy was pretty friendly but Lenny was pretty old and hated anyone under the age of twenty-five with a passion.

Calum lifted the snapback off his head tiredly and ruffled his hair before putting it back on. It was backwards, which was against the job handbook, but he knew his boss would definitely not be showing up at this hour. He was just so tired. He hated working this shift and he didn't understand why his boss put him down for it so often. He always requested the morning shift so he could do more things in the afternoon.

Calum leaned tiredly on his hand as he saw the final customer leave. He was starting to think they could close early but it seemed as if the man above was against him as he heard multiple car doors close. He was screwed.

He kept his hands covering his face as he heard the door open. He was just so done with this job but it paid well enough for him to not keep looking.

"Uh dude, are you okay?" A voice asked, Calum feeling someone start to poke him. The accent was really different to what he was used to hear in America. It was definitely Australian.

"Oh fuck, sorry," Calum said, standing up and cracking his back. He was a bit groggy and it took him a few seconds for it to hit him who was standing in front of him.

"You're Luke Hemmings, and you're Michael Clifford! And Alex Gaskarth is right behind you guys. I think I may cry a bit," Calum said excitedly, well to the best of his sleepy ability. He would normally say few words to customers but he couldn't waste this opportunity.

"I'm guessing your a fan?" Michael asked, a hint of amusement in his voice as Calum nodded his head.

"You guys are incredible at what you do and I just really love your music. Definitely some of my favorite stuff to listen to at the moment," Calum explained. He really didn't want to come off as creepy but he seemed to be failing. He immediately quieted down after, not being used to having random outbursts.

"It's so cool that you listen to both of our bands," Luke said smiling widely and Calum felt as if he could collapse underneath the counter.

"What part of Australia are you from? I hear the accent and it's definitely from around our area," Michael asked, butting in to what Luke had said. Not that he didn't want Luke's comment to be talked about but he wanted to know if what he had asked had been accurate.

"Sydney. I moved out here two years ago to pursue some type of career but look where I am. What would you guys like to eat? I should probably actually do my job while you guys are here," Calum said awkwardly, looking down at the machine in front of him. He was starting to feel a bit shy over the states pointed in his direction.

The three boys ordered and asked Calum if he could help bring over the food. Lenny had it prepared rather quickly since no one else was in the premises of the restaurant. The boys had ordered a lot for three people and were struggling to carry the food. Calum had the two shakes and Coca-Cola in his hands, so glad that he had been blessed with large hands.

Calum followed behind the boys to the table that they were going to choose and Calum wasn't sure if it was the lack of sleep he had the night before or the fact that he was exhausted now that he hadn't noticed that they had stopped. Resulting in him running right into Michael.

He felt like going and crawling in a hole since the cup's In-N-Out had were so cheap. The styrofoam crushed and soda was now dripping on his hand, down Michael's back and onto the floor.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean to. Oh my god," Calum said rapidly. He had the worst luck of anyone he had ever known.

Luke and Alex were laughing, sitting down already about to eat and Michael was just standing there with a soaking wet shirt while Calum was standing there planning his death.

"I'm so sorry," Calum said sheepishly, "I have an extra shirt in my bag. You can take it if you want so you're not soaking wet."

Michael took a few seconds to outweigh the pros and cons before nodding his head and following Calum who was leading him to the employee locker room. He stood back as he watched the tan boy frantically dig through his bag.

Calum was convinced that he'd look idiotic if he didn't find the shirt but to his luck he did.

"Bring Me The Horizon? I didn't peg you like the type to listen to them," Michael said, taking off his shirt and putting the other one on.

Calum had to will himself to look away.

"They're one of my favorite bands," Calum responded.

"Mine too. I'll bring you back this shirt. When's the next time you work?" Michael asked, looking at the tan boy curiously.

"I work in two days. So Tuesday. The same shift as this one," Calum answered.

"See you then. I better get going. I'll just bring the burgers I ordered with me. Knowing Alex and Luke they're probably done now," Michael said, smiling widely.

"Okay. Bye Michael," Calum said, following Michael out of the room and into the main area.

"I never got your name. I'd like to know the name of the boy I have to return the shirt to," Michael said.

"It's Calum," Calum said shyly.

"Well okay. See you later Calum," Michael said.

He quickly hugged the tan boy before walking to the table where his friend were now standing up. They discussed a bit before deciding to leave.

Calum was left standing there, cleaning up a mess and with mixed feelings.


I'm falling asleep writing this sorry for typos/errors.


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