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It was three a.m. and Calum had just gotten home from a super long shift. He had covered for a coworker and worked twelve hours instead of the six he was originally supposed to. Calum felt kind of dead after the long shift but also he felt as if could run seven miles.

He hated that he felt so awake after working so much, the brown boy just needed a nap.

The boy flopped down onto his bed, after stripping to just his boxers and allowed himself to bury himself deeply into his blankets. He shifted the soft cotton around until just his head and one of his hands was peaking out so that he could see his phone.

He wasn't expecting to have any messages but it was always nice to check. Maybe one or two from Michael but he knew to wait until the morning, technically midday, before texting Calum if he had work the day before.

Only one was on his screen at the moment and it didn't surprise him that it was from Michael. What did surprise him though was that the message was to Anonymous. Not him.

The brown boy opened up his Twitter application and made his way to the messages. He didn't follow many people, only his favorite musicians who sadly only a handful followed him back, so Michael's message was at the top.

Michael5SOS: hey c, we're friends right?

Calum laughed at Michael's message; the poor boy seemed so apprehensive about asking.

CoversByC: i mean you fanboy over me so...... how am i sure that you don't write fan fiction about me?

He grinned at his response, probably looking very dumb but he knew Michael would laugh at his response.

Michael5SOS: excuse you but if i recall correctly you're the one that has my merch and not the other way around

CoversByC: ..............

CoversByC: ok i guess we are friends why do you ask??

He was quickly shut down by Michael's response and it kind of made him laugh. He had said it as a joke at first but knew it would be embarrassing if Michael continued.

Michael5SOS: well i want to talk about something but my band mates are no help

Michael5SOS: they made fun of me when i tried to mention it

Michael5SOS: and i'd tell my somewhat friend calum but it's about him

Calum frowned at Michael's message. Why could he not tell him? What was possibly so bad that Michael had to message someone else?

Michael5SOS: can i trust you?

CoversByC: of course you can!! who do i have to tell? literally if i tell anyone you'll know who i am

Calum was so ready to never talk to Michael again if what he said was mean.

Michael5SOS: well about my friend calum... he's not exactly my friend? we kiss a lot and i really really like it and i really like him

Michael5SOS: but i don't know if he feels the same way

Michael5SOS: i mean he sucked my dick so there has to be something???

The brown boy was certain that he would hit his lover if he could. It wasn't as horrible as he thought it would be but it was so much worse. Michael admitted to practically a stranger that he allowed his friend suck his dick. Calum, of course, could not act mad because Michael would catch on and he didn't need that yet.

Michael5SOS: but i don't know if he just wants to hook up

Michael5SOS: he's so smol and shy and innocent and smol

CoversByC: you said smol twice

Michael5SOS: hush i'm going on a rant about the person i like

Michael5SOS: he's so passionate about music and he is so sweet. he cares about others more than himself and he's so selfless!!! ffs his dinner table is a domino game.

Michael5SOS: i'm just so scared about being rejected.

Calum was blushing while reading everything that Michael had sent him. He felt like he was reading into the pale boy's diary or as if he was reading something he wasn't supposed to. He cared about Michael so much and this just made him want to kiss him so much to show that he did.

It was so weird seeing Michael talk so highly about him and not him as Anonymous. He saw that Michael was astonished by everything he did.

He wished that he could tell Michael who he was and tell him that he felt the same but it wasn't worth risking his career to do so.

CoversByC: i say go for it

CoversByC: if he is as smol and innocent as you say, i doubt he is using you

CoversByC: and i doubt he gets on his knees for just anyone dude

Calum's message was true. He wasn't one to do hookups. He liked knowing the person and felt awful if he actually did hookup with someone. The small boy liked knowing that the boy he was with would be there in the morning.

Michael5SOS: thank you!! i'll see if i take your advice but i am utterly terrified thanks c

The brown boy fell asleep very content that night. A blush tinted his cheeks as he fell asleep knowing that the guy he liked reciprocated the feelings.

Now he just had to wait for Michael to make his move.


I've had most of this written all week and just finished. Sorry I've been super busy and will continue being busy but I'm hoping to finish this before school starts!!


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