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Calum laughed as Ashton picked him up and carried him around the kitchen of the band's shared apartment. The two were hanging out, now more close after Calum had told him everything.

Ashton had called the brown boy up while being bored one day and Calum managed to crawl out of his bed to actually go and socialize with others.

"Put me down you asshole, I just wanted to grab a fucking bottle of iced fucking tea," Calum struggled out, as Ashton continued his path.

It seemed as if the brunette was purposely moving around more and jumping more to make the smaller boy feel the turbulence more. Calum was screaming and yelling loudly, probably disturbing the neighbors greatly but he didn't care.

This continued on for many minutes, Ashton eventually putting down Calum and the two started chasing each other but one sound of someone clearing their throat seemed to halt the action of Ashton about to lob a pillow at Calum and Calum about to lodge himself onto the brunette's back.

"What do you think you two are doing?"

Calum cursed as he looked over his shoulder, his back arched in a pouncing position, spotting the pale boy that he knew would be mad. He had heard Michael complain about Ashton for about three hours when he had just seen the cover that Calum and him had posted.

"Michael, it's not what it looks like. I promise. There's nothing," Ashton quickly said, hoping that Michael wouldn't act out somehow. Everything was still a bit tense and even more so. Michael was convinced that Ashton was stealing everything from him even though Calum had assured him that it wasn't happening.

"My friend," the pale boy stated simply, "Not yours."

He walked over to Calum and picked the smaller boy up. A squeal escaped from Calum's lips as he was picked up and sooner than later, the small boy ended up on Michael's bed with the owner of the bed next to him.

Michael made sure that Calum was completely trapped, not like the brown boy would want to leave. Michael's legs were wrapped with Calum's calves and his arms were wrapped around his waist. The two boys were so comfortable and Calum loved it.

He liked holding Michael close and he felt so safe with him. He knew he could trust Michael with anything.

But he wasn't ready to do so. He couldn't just tell him that he had a giant secret and expect to go over easily.

Michael was just so warm and just smelled so nice and Calum didn't want to let him go. He knew telling him would result in the end of his comfort.

"Ashton's being rude right now," Michael grumbled, running his fingers through Calum's hair as he spoke.

"All he did was chase me," Calum said, pressing a light kiss to Michael's cheek.

"And if anything, I kissed you at the party and not him," Calum added. He buried his face in Michael's chest as he tried to hide the blush that made its way onto his face. He hadn't meant to say that but it kind of just slipped past his lips.

Michael chuckled and shifted so that Calum's face was more out in the open. He reached one hand out and lifted his head, connecting their lips together. Michael kissed the boy slowly and the brown boy seemed to reciprocate quickly. Calum slowly opened his mouth and Michael knew where he wanted to take it.

He slowly climbed on the boy and he let his tongue enter the smaller boy's mouth. It wasn't really sexual, just more experimental and innocent.

It was more innocent because Calum was so shy and didn't want to do any abrupt movements and Michael found it all endearing. Calum was so shy and so timid in his movements and Michael was mainly leading the whole thing.

The pale boy pulled away slowly and Calum giggled softly, seeing the small line of spit that was connected with their lips.

"That was nasty," Calum said softly, still giggling as Michael now buried his face in his neck.

"Shut up," Michael grumbled.

He shoved the small boy off of him, making sure that he landed onto the bed.

"But I liked it. I promise," Calum said. He had a cheeky smile on his face, their eyes meeting as he smiled widely.

"Good. You better. Because Ashton doesn't kiss that well," Michael teased, pressing a soft kiss to Calum's neck.

"I wouldn't know. I might have to ask him to test it out," Calum said. He started to shift out of Michael's grip but the pale boy just held onto the boy more tightly.

"I'd like to see you try," Michael grumbled.

He grabbed onto the boy tighter and cuddled the smaller boy closer. Calum nuzzles his face into Michael's chest and it made him realize how lucky he was.

Michael made Calum content.


I updated sigh and I feel kind of sickly dead and there's ten chapters left I??? It doesn't feel like it's gone that fast


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