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Calum had been sitting in front of his camera for a solid ten minutes and was just filming him sitting there. He had his guitar in his hand and was ready to record his cover of 'Scars' by James Bay. He had tried four times to start the song but he didn't seem to have any motivation.

He was recording in his bed today and it seemed as if his sleepy demeanor inhibited him from playing the song. He knew he had to post that day but he couldn't seem to get himself to do so. In the two years that he had his account, he had never missed a posting day. Well intentionally. Sometimes he'd go on vacation and warn his followers but this wasn't the case.

Calum knew he wouldn't get anything done if he stayed in bed, so after grabbing all of his recording supplies, he made his way into his normal recording room.

Calum took a deep breath, before deciding to start the song. He strummed his guitar softly and sang a few of the lines before stopping again.

He didn't understand why he kept pushing it off but he just had a bad feeling about today. He just felt as if something bad would happen if he continued singing. Calum looked at the camera once more and decided to just start singing.

"We grow apart. I watch you on the red horizon. Your lion's heart will protect you under stormy skies and I will always be listening for your laughter and your tears," Calum sang, his soft voice starting to fill up the empty room.

He followed James Bay as soon as Ed Sheeran had tweeted about him and he just really loved the music and how raw he was with his vocals ad his lyrics. Calum thought James Bay was a beautiful artist and person. Of course, he didn't compare to Ed, his baby, but it was a close second.


Calum heard a familiar voice ring out through his apartment. The voice was quiet as if the person had just stepped in. Calum immediately stopped playing and ran to the spare closet, throwing (technically placing gently) his guitar into the spare closet that was in the room. He then grabbed his camera and threw it inside as well.

It seemed as once he closed the closet door, Michael was opening the door to the room.

"Wow, this room is empty," Michael commented, looking at Calum's laptop that was on the floor. It was the only thing in the room besides Calum.

"Well um, hi Michael," Calum said, pressing his back against the closet door.

His hands splayed out and he looked over at Michael that was looking at him curiously.

"Just doing some spring cleaning," Calum said casually, earning a weird look from Michael.

"It's July."

"Same thing."

Calum deeply regretted texting Michael where he kept his spare key. Michael was now way too suspicious over what he had been doing and was too close to finding out his secret.

"I couldn't remember what room you had said was yours so I just looked around," Michael said, brushing off how weird the small, tan boy was acting.

"This is my spare room, let's go to my bedroom. It's more comfy there," Calum suggested.

He moved away from the closet, grabbed his laptop, and grabbed Michael's hand, dragging him out before he could investigate the room more.

"I would at least have expected dinner first," Michael joked, once Calum pulled him inside the room and sat him down on the bed.

Michael looked all over the room. He liked it. It screamed Calum. From the black and white polka dot comforter, to the pile of fuzzy blankets in the corner, and the Ed Sheeran 'Multiply' flag above his bed. He also liked seeing the rows upon rows of CD's on the shelving on the walls.

"You weren't lying when you said you loved Ed," Michael said, finding it amusing that Calum was even wearing an Ed Sheeran shirt. Michael was fond of the Ed loving boy.

"Do you have a problem with that? I have stanned him for too long for you to insult me like this," Calum grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No. I think it's cute. You know, I could help you meet him. I've met him a few times in the past and we've covered each other's songs," Michael suggested, pulling Calum closely to him and cuddling in to him.

"I'd cry but no thank you. I want to meet him on my own. I've loved him for so long and I don't want to meet him because I have a source. I want to meet him on my own terms and make it authentic," Calum explained. He knew what he was saying was practically the stupidest thing he had ever said but he didn't want Michael to keep doing things for him.

"My offer will always stand if you ever reconsider it," Michael said and all Calum could do was nod his head, not wanting to agree to it but knowing if he was desperate enough he could.


I am basically Calum in this story. I love Ed so much and he means the world to me and I cry at least three times a week over him. 

Well, that's besides the point right now. I'll update again soon!


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