Chapter 21

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     The best part about after giving birth is sleep. I was so exhausted from all the pushing and crying that I couldn't help but sleep once everyone came in. So when I woke up, the first thing that ran through my mind was James. My head snapped over to see him in the small carrier next to my bed and Caleb sleeping on the chair next to him.

I smiled at them. My boys. They were the two people in the world that mattered most to me  right now. It was surreal, how quickly my life changed over night. Caleb was someone I knew for years. He was my brother's best friend since they were children. In Caleb's early teen years he slept around with a lot of girls, I knew that because my brother always told me to be careful with boys like him. Who ever thought that I would get drunk at a Christmas party, loose my virginity to my brother's best friend, get pregnant, fall in love, live with him and have a baby with him. In a matter of months. 

I couldn't be more happy with my life. Some people bash of teen mothers, saying they won't get anywhere in life. I'm seventeen, living with my boyfriend and graduated from high school. I'll have to put my dreams on hold for a few years, but I wouldn't trade it for anything else. 

"You're finally awake," Caleb shifted, stretching his arms and smiling at you.

"Look who's talking sleepy head."

"How are you feeling?" He asked looking down at James then gently wrapping his arms around him and picking him up. He walked over, sitting next to my legs.

"I feel... good. I was just thinking over everything that's happened in the last few months... even years."

"Years?" He asked, pushing his eyebrows together and looking at me.

"Yeah years. When you were best friends with my brother. When you used to sleep around with girls. My brother warned me about boys like you and now look at me. I'm seventeen sitting in the hospital not even 12 hours after I just gave birth to our son." I explained.

Caleb's face softened, "Me sleeping around with girls is in the past. I haven't slept with anyone since the Christmas party. Do you regret this?"

"I don't regret it at all, it's just so surreal. You fell in love with your best friends little sister." I chuckled and he agreed.

"I'm happy that happened. You know, you were actually the best girl I have ever slept with." He admitted and I blushed.

"Please, don't compare me to other girls."

"I'm not at all, I'm just saying that night was... the best."

"I wish I could remember every moment of it," I whispered looking down at James. "I wish I could remember the night that we conceived him, but I can't. Only some parts."

"Don't feel bad about it."

"I don't," I smiled. "Let's not talk about anything sad right now. Let's enjoy this moment, before we have to go home and deal with reality."

"This is reality," He said, "When we get home its gonna be more hectic but this is reality right now." 

"I know." I whispered.

After about thirty minutes of talking, the nurse came in and explained breastfeeding to me. Caleb passed James to me and I took him while the nurse unbottoned my gown.

"What your going to do is hold him up to which ever position is most comfortable. Then your going to place your nipple against his lip and the rest will come naturally to him. It may take a few tries to get him to latch on, but that is normal."

Listening to the nurses instructions, I hold James up with my right arm and grab my breast with the other. I nudge my nipple gently against his lips and his eyes open, staring at me with deep blue eyes. I'm assuming he will have Caleb's eyes because they are blue right now. The Doctor explained that for the first few months they will be a deep blue then change into their normal color.

James' mouth opens and quickly wraps his small lips around my nipple and starts to drink almost immediately. His eyes close once again and I stare down at him in awe.

"Breast feeding is good for both mother and baby. Baby will get all the nutrients he needs. If you choose not to breast feed I recommend doing it for the first few weeks when your supply is most heavy. Then you can resort to using the pump or formula."

I nod, looking up at Caleb who looked a little uncomfortable with the whole talk but still was smiling. The nurses excuses herself, telling me that if there are any complications to use the buzzer. 

"Does it hurt?" Caleb asked.

"A little bit. I read online that women's breast will bruise a little and hurt in a few days. But you can buy this cream that helps with that." I explained and he nodded.

"I'll make sure to buy the cream for you." I smiled at him, my heart filling with so much love over something so small that he said.

"You're the best." We both stared down at James and he I fed him. His eyes were closed, which I read was normal. Newborn babies tend to sleep for half the time, only waking up for when they need to eat or poop.

* * *

     The next day the doctor came in to check on both James and I, telling me that everything was going good such as breast feeding, and both our health. They wanted to keep James in for an extra day since he was considered a premature baby, but they allowed us to go home today. 

Caleb went back home to get the carseat and everything. James was laying in between my legs while I changed his clothes and cooed at him. Of course he had no idea what was going on so he just looked at me which made me smile.

"Awe little James. I hope you enjoy being at this age as much as you can. Once you get older, life is gonna hit you harder than a truck. I just hope and pray that life does you good and you get everything you ask for." Right when I finished my speech Caleb opened the door with the carseat in his hand.

"Were you just talking to him?"

"Yup, I just gave him a little speech about life." I smiled and lifted him up as Caleb set the carseat on the bed. I stood up from bed and strapped him in. It looked as if he was about to cry but he changed his mind and stared at us. 

"How are you feeling?"

"Very sore"

"Can you walk or do you need help?"

"I'm supposed to be walking around so I'm sure I can walk, could you carry him though. I don't think I'm supposed to carry too much weight after birth." I remembered back to what the nurse told me about taking it easy.

"Of course, anything for you." I turned to look at Caleb then pressed a kiss to his lips. "What was that for?"

"For being so loving and caring." I giggled.

"Well you know I'm only like this towards you." He said.

"That's because you love me." I teased sticking my tongue out at him in the process.

"Stop playing or I might just take James home and leave you here." He joked and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's just go." I grabbed the baby bag and we headed out the door.

Driving home had to of been the most uncomfortable feeling ever. I sat in the back seat with James and it felt like we were hitting every rock on the street for the past 20 minutes. I opened my mouth to complain to Caleb but quickly silented myself, knowing it wasn't his fault. When we got to the apartment a wave of excitement rolled off of me. Everything felt like it was a dream, I've always wanted to have this feeling in life, never so young but I could tell this was the start of a great beginning.

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