Chapter 7.

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        Of course Caleb would leave me to go alone to the doctor's the first time we see the baby. He has soccer practice the same time I was scheduled to get an untra sound. I had ignored all of his calls and text messages which were just gonna be him apologizing. I know I am being dramatic but I am annoyed! Caleb had got me so excited to be seeing the baby for the first time, and I was even more excited knowing that he was going to come with me, but  of course he couldn't come.

I shook my head, trying not to think about him, and think about the baby. I felt gittery inside, knowing this would be the first time to see him or her. I know I am not very far along, and I won't be able to see much of it, but it was still my baby.

To make matters a little more awkward -besides the fact that I was here alone- there was a couple next to me that kept constantly looking at me, then whispering to each other. The couple looked only a few years older than me, but on the lady's left finger was a fat diamond ring. 

I sighted heavily and placed a small hand on my small buldge. I wasn't that big, you couldn't see my stomach through my shirt, but shirtless, you could tell my stomach wasn't as flat as it used to be. Not like the lady next to me who looked as if she could pop any second. 

Hopefully I wouldn't get that big, I thought to myself. I knew I was going to beg big. Maybe even bigger.

"Rosalie Wilson," a lady called from one of the ultra sound rooms once the door ope. I quickly stood up, grabbing my bag and walking over to the lady. Her hair was cropped short and black. "Hello I'm Emily. I am Caleb's cousins fiance."

I shook her hand and smiled. "Hello, how are you?" Her smile beamed and she waved me inside.

"I am great. So you are here today for," she paused, checking over her clip board. "For your first ultra sound?"

"Yes," I answered.

"You nervous?" She asked and I nodded.

"Very. I have never done this before."

She ginned, "Don't be. It's a great feeling seeing your baby for the first time. Precious."

Precious, I thought. Thats what my baby was. Precious.

"So you can just lie down on this bed while I get things ready," She said, snapping plastic gloves onto her hand. I laid down on the plastic bed, trying to get comfortable while she ordered me to pull up my shirt. Emily walked over, squeezing some blue gel onto my stomach and using this wand to press against the lower part of my stomach, moving it around.

"Can you see it?" I asked, eager to see the little one.

"Just gotta find it... " She bit her lip, moving around the want until she stopped, eyes brightening. "Ah, there we are!"

It took me a moment for my eyes to adjust to the screen, searching around until I saw a grainy black and white figure on the screen. It was tiny, very tiny, almost looked like a bean. "You are too early on, about eleven weeks along, to see the full figure of the baby. Or to find out the gender."

My smile brightened. I didn't care- as long as my baby was alive and healthy. That's all that matters. "What-how..." I couldn't seem to make words.

"I know... would you like to hear the heart beat?" She asked and I nodded, to eargerly. Emily pressed a few more buttons on the computer then there was a loud 'thump' , 'thump' , 'thump'. 

I gasped, wiping away wet tears that slid down my face. "I can't believe thats my baby," I whispered, wishing I could save this moment forever.

"Would you like photos?" Emily questioned.

"Yes, please!" I said pulling my shirt down. Emily left and a few minutes later she came back into the room with four photos.

"You seem to be doing great. Just keep eating healthy, try not to give into the cravings, and come back in about two months. You will be about five months along, and we will be able to tell you the sex. Is there any gender that you want?" Emily explained and I shrugged.

"Doesn't matter to me. As long as he or she is healthy then that's all that matters." I grinned.

"Next time, would you be able to come back with the father. I need to ask him a few questions about his health. Check his blood. You know, make sure that he doesn't have anything that would be passed down to the baby."

I frowned at the word 'father'. Caleb couldn't even make it to his kids first ultra sound appointmet. I know he has soccer practice, and soccer is his life, but I'm sure skipping one practice or show up a few minutes late wouldn't affect him.

Sighing, I nodded. "I'll try to make him come.'' Was all I said and she nodded, understanding.

"That Caleb boy can be one handful." She chuckled. "Known him for about six years and he still can't keep this straight if his life depended on it."

I chuckled, thanking Emily. We exchanged contact information, and I promised to call her if anything didn't feel right about the baby. I grabbed my purse, slipping the four photos into them before leaving and catching the first bus.


        When I got home, I went straight up into my room, turning on my phone to see I had over twenty missed calls and text messages from Caleb. Rolling my eyes, I decided to text Caleb back. Though he missed the first appointment, it would be childish and immature of me not to tell him about it. He did need to know, he was the father and he had every right. 

I snapped quick photos of the four and sent them to him.

Everything went well. The baby is healthy and I'm about eleven weeks along. You should have came. Emily wants you to come next time, she says she wants to give you some blood test. ~Rose

Great! I'm sorry I couldn't make it. G2G tho. ~Caleb

I shook my head, tossing my phone onto the floor and staring at my stomach in the mirror. I rubbed my belly, smiling when I thought of it inside of me. My baby is going to grow up, and I am going to give it everything it wants in life.

The only problem was... how was I going to raise it. I couldn't rely on Caleb because only God knows what would happen with him. I couldn't rely on my parents to help me with the baby for eighteen years. I needed money for this baby, and I needed money fast. 

Maybe I could get a job while I am pregnant, ask Caleb to get at least 2 jobs and while I am on maternity I could maybe work from home. I shook my head at the thought, that wouldn't be possible. I wouldn't have the time to squeeze in job times for school. I also couldn't just ask Caleb to get a second job, he has his own life.

I gently rubbed my stomach, biting my lip. This baby deserves everything happy in life. It belongs to a couple who could actually take care of a baby.

Not me.

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