Chapter 6.

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2 Day's Later...

        "When do you plan on seeing a doctor?" Caleb asked as we sat at a bench in a small park, eating ice cream. Ever since I told him about the pregnancy, things have been going well. I basically spent my whole weekened with him. We would text non stop, and call each other, we usually talked about telling my brother, how my school is, and my Mom. 

 "I don't have that type of doctor," I said, spooing my favorite ice cream, mint chocolate chip, and placing the cold goodness into my mouth.

"My cousins fiance is a doctor. I'm sure she will help you. I can tell her to not contact your parents." He said.

I raised an eyebrow, "Wow you would do that for me?" 

"Don't sound so shocked," He chuckled. "I'll have them do it by later this week."

"That's really sweet of you," I smiled, tossing my cup into the trash can. "I have to get home, I told my Mom I was going out with Macy, but I'm sure she's getting suspicious."

"That's fine. Do you need a ride?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I can walk from here. Thank you though." He nodded, and we exchanged a goodbye. 

We went to a small park around my neighborhood, so walking back wont take long. Plus, I needed time alone to think. My phone buzzed in my back pocket, and I pulled it our, seeing it was a text from Macy.

Did you do the homework for this weeked? I hate to ask to copy, but I didn't do it ~Macy

It's fine, and yeah I did it. You can copy it during the first hour ~Rose.

She texted me back, thanking me a thousand times before I turned my phone off and finished walking home.


"We're going to the mall after school today. Want to come?" Macy asked while I stirred my Yogurt around. I wasn't really in the mood for eating today, but I knew Macy would scold me, saying it wasn't healthy for the baby if I didn't eat.

"No thanks. I'm feeling tired and I want to go home and sleep." I said, and she nodded, understaning. That's one thing I really like about Macy, she's very understanding. She wont pressure me into saying or doing anything if I'm not comfortable.

Yes, I do want to go home and rest, but it was a lie. I really didn't want to be around Macy's friends. I can tell they don't like me much, so why would I bother hanging out with them

Once school was over, Macy drived me home, asking me questions about Caleb, the baby, and I which I answered in short responces.

"I have a doctor's appointment to go to. I think its later this week." I said and a large grin spread across her face.

"I cant wait to meet the litte one. If its a girl, I'm gonna teach her how to be classy, but at the same time having girls run after her. I'll teach her to not spread her legs towards any guy. If you have a little boy, I'll teach him to not be a piece of shit towards girls." She went on and on, talking about it. Macy has always wanted a baby. It was her dream to marry a guy she loves, get married and live the perfect life.

"I promise if I have a girl I will let you teach her your 'ways'." I chuckled and she let out a loud laugh.

She pulled up in front of my drive way and I grabbed my bag from the floor. "Thanks for the ride, Macy." I said and she smiled.

"No problem. Call me anytime." She waved, then took off, speading down the road. 

I sighed, walking into my house and headed straight over to the kitchen once my stomach began to rumble. I grabbed last nights left overs and began to pack it on my plate. I impaitenlty waited by the microwave while my food was heating up, and once it was done, I went straight in for it. After a few bites, the hot pieces of the kitchen seemed to not faze me anymore. 

Once I finished eating, I went upstairs into my bedroom to get started on my homework. I pulled out all my binders from my bag then began workin on my essay. I had to write a 500 word essay on why I am who I am today. 

I rolled my eyes at how ironic it was of who I am today. Today I am Rosalie Wilson, a seventeen year old girl who is pregnant. 

Author's Note:

Sorry for how short this is. I know I haven't updated in a LOOONNNGGG  time so I wanted to put this out there before I started lagging. It's very short, but at least I added something. I'll try to make the next chapter longer (: BYEEE

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