Chapter 5.

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        Once lunch came around, I was dreading to meet up with Macy, so I snuck into the library and checked out a few books. I came across a few books about teen pregnancy in high school, and slipped a few into my bag. 

I didn't have to check out books anymore because I was the librarians, Mrs.Briffen favorite student that came here. So, she always let me take books with out scanning them. After a few minutes of looking for books, the library doors flew open, and walked in Macy.

"Rose!" She said loudly, causing Mrs. Briffen to give her a look of annoyance.

"Yes," I said shyly, setting a book down.

She stalked over to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the library. "You were supposed to meet me in the bathroom!"

"Sorry... I was just scared." I whispered. Her face softened and her grip loosened on my hand. 

"Rose... your going to have to find out one way. Either you take the test, or you wait till you blow up. Even then, I know you will deny that you are." She cracked a smile towards the end and I couldn't help but smile as well. "Come on, I did not spend $15 on this box for nothing. Now lets go.''

I followed her towards the bathroom, and she handed me the box. I walked into a stall, reading the back of the box, which instructs to pee on the stick, and wait 2-3 minutes for the results to show up. One line is a negative, and two lines is a positive. Swallowing, I pulled down my pants and awkwardly urinated on the stick. I pulled up my pants, then flushed the toilet, walking out of the stall and handed the stick to Macy.

"I cant read it," I whispered. "Read it for me."

She nodded, understandingly and while I washed my hands, she stared at the test. There was a low beeping sound while I was drying my hands, and I quickly turned towards Macy.

"What does it say?" I demanded, with wide eyes. 

Macy bit her lip, slowly looking up at me. "So how do you plan on telling Caleb that you have a bun in the oven?"

My eyes widened, staring at her with disbelief. "Your joking." I stalked over to her, grabbing the test, and sure enough there was two pink lines next to each other. Faint, but surely there.

* * *

"What did you want to talk about?" Caleb asked once I meet him after school. I bit my lip, looking around to see half the student bodies looking at us. Some girls rolled their eyes at me, checking out Caleb or just staring in shock.

"Can we... go somewhere more private?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest and kicking some small rocks on the floor.

"Uh, sure. Hop in." He said, walking around to the driver side while I slid into the passenger seat, setting my bag on the floor. Caleb, climbed in, starting the engine, and the Mustang let out a soft pur, and we took off. "Is this okay?" He asked as we stopped in front of a small park.

I nodded. "Yeah this is fine."

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked and I swallowed.

"Well remeber the night at the party?" I asked.

"I thought we agreed to never talk about that again." He said.

I sighed. "I know we did... but I need to talk to you about this." I said and paused, waiting to see if he was going to say something. When he didn't, I continued. "Well the night at the party... did you use... protection?"

"Yeah of course I did." He chuckled.

"You know there is a chance of condoms not working. I mean it says they only work about 99% of the time."

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