Chapter 12.

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        I sat on the park bench, waiting for Caleb to show up. He said he wanted me to meet him here at noon because he has something important to talk about. Whatever it is, better be interesting because it was freezing outside. Even though it was in the middle of March, it was still freezing outside, and there was still previous snow on the floor. 

I was about to get up and leave, angry that I had been sitting here for the past twenty minutes, and he still had not shown up, when I saw his black Mustang pull into the parking lot, and he got out of the car marching over to me.

"I'm so sorry I am late. There was so much traffic on the way here, I'm not sure what's going on. The news said there had been a few car accidents from the snow." He muttered, rubbing his hands together.

"It's fine. As long as you are okay." I patted the seat on the bench next to me and he sat down, glancing around nervously. "What did you want to talk to me about?" 

Caleb let out a sigh, looking over at me and smiling. "Don't flip out when I tell you, alright?"

"Yeah, alright." I agreed, suddenly interested in what he had to say.

He paused, gathering his words together before looking me straight in the eyes. "I know this is going to sound completly cheesy, but I don't see you the same anymore."

My eyes widened and I moved away from him, feeling my heart throb. "W-What?"

"No! Not like that! I mean... I see you in a different way. I see you more as someone I like. I don't know how to say this. It seemed like one moment I saw you as my best friends little sister, and now I see you as someone I can't stop thinking about. I can't help but have feelings for you. I'm not sure what it is. If it's how stubborn you are. It seems like my mind always goes back to you and the baby no matter what. But I like, really like, like you." He rushed out.

"I-I" I stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"Please tell me you feel the same. I don't wanna feel stupid for saying this.'' He pleaded, eyebrows coming together.

"I do feel something for you. I really do, I just need time to think about this all. I know we are going to be together for a long time for the baby. Either if that's if we choose adoption or if we keep the baby. I just need to think about it." I whispered and he nodded, understanding.

"Can I try something?" He asked and I nodded. "Close your eyes," Confused, I let my eye drop low, curious as to what he was going to do.

Ever so lightly, I felt a light pressure on my lips. He was... kissing me. I wasn't sure what to do, but I had seen a lot of movies of people kissing, so I knew what to do. I lifted my hand and pressed it against his neck, pulling him closer to me. 

My whole body felt as if it was on fire, and my cheeks began to heat up as well. Caleb pressed down on my lips a little harder, nibbling on my lip. I opened my mouth and his tongue slid in, wrapping a secure arm around my waist and held me tight.

I wasn't sure what to do from here on out, so I massaged my tongue onto his, earning a groan from him. I smiled gently, pulling away. 

"I think that's enough," I wiped the corners of my mouth and leaned my head onto his shoulder. "Why did you do that?"

"To show you that we both have feelings for each other," He kissed the top of my head and I grinned wider. 

Ring, ring, ring!

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my phone from my pocket to see Jacob was calling. I pressed the green button and held the phone up to my ear.


"Hey, Rose. Are you with Caleb right now?" He asked.

I hesitated, "...Yes."

"Great. I'm going to text you an adress and I want you guys to meet us down here?" 

"Who's we?" I asked.

"You'll find out." The line cut off and I groaned, turning to Caleb.

"Jacob called, he said to meet him at someplace, he's going to text me the adress." I said and he nodded.

"Let's go."

* * *

"Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked Caleb as I glanced down at the adress on my phone one more time.

"Yeah, 1737 Sun Down Lane." (made up adress) He clarified and parked the car in a empty parking lot.

Confusion washed through me as we both climbed out the car. Why would Jacob tell us to meet him at apartment complexes. We walked around for a bit, and I admired everything. They were like mini condos with colored doors, big open windows.

"Rose," Caleb called and I looked at him. "Over here,"

I followed him a few feet away where Jacob and my mother stood, smiling happily towards each other. 

"Mom!" I yelled, fast walking over to her, and hugging her tightly. "Why are you here?"

"We have a surprise for you," She said was when I realized that she had a pair of unamiliar keys dangling from her hands.

"What are those?" I asked, confused as to why they would want to meet us at some random place.

"These," She hummed, handing me the keys. "Are the keys to you guys' new apartment."

Author's Note: Hey guys! Thank you for sticking with me to read this story (: Please, comment, vote, and add to your libraries. It will help so much! Comment any ideas you have for the story or any thoughts! Comments remind me of how much you actually like the story! I love you and I hope you liked this chapter!

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