Chapter 20

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     Everything seemed to be happening so slow. I wasn't sure if it was Caleb staring at me in utter shock or the fact that I just said my child might be coming, and weeks old. It felt like the movies, when everything felt like slow motion. Caleb calling in the doctor, nurses rushing in. In all this time I just kept thinking, "My baby is coming." Reality came back to me, quickly and painfully.

"Ow! OW!" I screamed, grabbing a hold of the side of the hospital bed railings. I thought the Epidural was supposed to numb me from the waist down and take away the pain. 

I let out another painful cry while Caleb seemed to snap back to reality as well and grab my hand. "Just breath sweetie. Breath." He soothed.

"Breath! You want me to breath?" I yelled, breathing loudly a few times in sarcasm. "I'm breathing and I'm still in pain!"

Another contraction hit and I squeezed Caleb's hand, crying. I knew having a baby would hurt, a lot, but this is not what I signed up for! I watched plenty of videos of birth's and the women in it seemed to breath through everything and make it seemed easy. Oh yeah, maybe because the women in the videos were a lot older, took breathing classes and knew what they were doing. 

Mom came over and brushed the hair out of my face, "Enjoy every moment of this, Rose. Every women says this is the most important part. Just breath."

"I'm trying to breath." I sobbed, staring up at my mom. "Mom I don't think I can do this."

"You're gonna do fine. This is all normal, its okay."

Doctor Emily comes over and helps prop my legs up on the stands and I felt a little embarrassed being so exposed. She brought over a light and shined it right over me, then grabbed a blanket and placed it over my privates.

"Alright Rosalie, its time to push. On your next contraction I'm going to count to ten while you push." She said from under the blanket and I nodded

"Okay," I called out. Caleb brought the back of my hand up to his lips then smiled at me.

"This is it baby. Our son is gonna be here soon." Tears filled his beautiful blue eyes as he stared down at me. "You can do it."

"Start pushing now Rosalie," She instructed and I pushed, I pushed with everything I had in me, curling over my stomach and clenching onto Caleb's hand. I have never in my entire life experience so much pain. I felt a large amount of pressure down there and it felt as if I was being ripped open. "One, two, three, four..." I glanced around the room, seeing two nurses setting up the changing bed for him. Then back to my mom who was covering her mouth with both her hands. "Eight, nine, ten."

I let out a breath and laid back against the bed, only getting a few seconds of rest before Doctor Emily told me to start pushing again. "One, two, three... six, seven, eight... ten."

When most women go through child birth, they say they experience at some point something called the ring of fire. I never thought I would have to experience that until now. It felt like someone was burning me down there and ripping me open at the same time.

I screamed in pain, throwing my head back, "Ow!" I burst into tears again. Why did child birth have to be so painful. I'm giving life to another human being, why does it come with so much pain. 

Doctor Emily poked her head from under the blanket and stared at me. "Listen, Rosalie. I can see his head. I need you to give me a few more big pushes and he will be out soon. He's facing down now which is really good."

I sucked in my breath, holding it and giving a big push while she counted to ten as usual. The pressure I felt in my bottom was a foreign feeling, and my body wanted to push weather I wanted to or not.

 I pushed two more times when Doctor Emily stuck her head out again and said "His head is out!" I let out a breath of relief. I expected that once his head was out there wouldn't be anymore pain, but the ring of fire came back, this time ten times worse.

"Get him out!" I yelled, the pain was starting to feel unbearable and I couldn't take it much longer. 

"You're doing great my love." Caleb whispered, his voice soothing me a little as he brushed my hair back. 

With his calm words, I put myself together, taking in a deep breath as the doctor told me to and pushed on her count. The only thing willing me through this was knowing that my baby was going to be here. His head is out, I just need to get passed the shoulders and he will be here. 

"...and ten." Emily said. "Rosalie I'm really gonna need you to breath through this contraction. It's going to hurt getting the shoulders out but breathing will get you through it, okay?"

"O-Okay." I swallowed, taking in a shaky breath and pushed. My face scrunched and I made sure to breath. I let out a whimper in pain, "OUCH, OUCH!" I screamed.

"Come on Rose! He's almost here, push push!" Doctor Emily encouraged and my grip on Caleb's hand tightened while my mom squealed in excitement, encouraging me as well. 

And suddenly, I felt one more lightening bolt of pain and it was silent. The whole room was silent and I felt nothing, and then I heard it. The most beautiful cry I have ever heard in the world. The loud high pitched cry brought me to tears and my arms immediately reached down to the doctor. The blanket was removed and I saw him. My baby. 

She placed him on my chest and I stared at him with so much love. I have never had my heart hurt from staring at a human the first time I saw them. But this little creature, was my baby. 

"Dad, would you like to cut the cord?" The doctor asked and Caleb rushed down to cut it. I wasn't paying attention to the process of it, my eyes were trapped on this beautiful being we created. 

"Hi James," I cooed and his crying stopped as he looked at me and I smiled through my sobbing. I tore my eyes away from him to look at Caleb who was back at my side and staring at him with love in his eyes. 

I reached a finger up and touch her cheek, not caring about the blood. I felt like I didn't care about a thing in the world anymore. Such a small baby could make me feel like this, take over my soul. James was taken from my arms by the nurse, too soon and I stared at him as he began to cry again. 

"Rosalie, we still have to push out the placenta. This won't take long and will only be a mild pain." Doctor Emily said and I nodded. 

"Mom, will you go over there with him please?" I asked, looking up at her to see she was crying as well. She nodded, not hesitating to rush over to him. 

"Begin pushing on my count," She said and I nodded. "One, two, three...." I began pushing and a rush of pain pulsed through me. It didn't hurt as much as giving birth, but she lied about the mild pains. "Seven, eight, nine, ten." 

There was a splash of something and the pain was gone. She walked away with the placenta in a container and set it somewhere. By the time she came back, the nurses brought James over to me, dressed in a white onsie and knitted beanie my mother had made for him. He was placed back into my arms and I cooed down at him.

"What's his name?" One of the nurses asked and I smiled.

"James Mason Wilson-Miller." I said, not taking my eyes off him.

"Two last names?" She asked.

"Yes," Caleb  answered for me. 

"Date of birth is August 13 at 9:45 pm." She said and I giggled a little. 

I looked up at Caleb who was already looking and me and I gave him a weak smile. "I love you so much. Thank you, thank you for giving me the life of James."

"I should be thanking you! You carried him around for months." He chuckled, then leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back, filling it with love and thankfulness. 

"Smile guys." My mom said, holding up a camera. I know I look like crap right now, but this is something I want to remember for the rest of my life. I wanted to frame this photo on the wall in our house and in a album.

I lazily smiled at the camera, holding James up in between both Caleb and I while Caleb wrapped his arms around us and smiled. The flash went off, causing James to stir a little and I laughed. 

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