Chapter 11.

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Caleb's POV

Two weeks Later....

        I couldn't help the way I felt whenever I was around her. I loved everything about her. How stubborn she was. How itellagant she was. Even the way she would get mad at me. Her right eye would twitch a little, you would have to stare hard to notice. How she bites her lip whenever she was nervous. The way her eyes would dart around, looking any where else than me when she was hiding something, or shy. 

I loved the way she would talk about the baby. The way she looked at her stomach, eyes bright, whispering soft 'I love you's' to it. I loved how she would rant to me about school, talking about how stressed she was for staying up late just to study. 

never thought I would feel this way. It all of a sudden just happened. One moment we were arguing about the station, the next she was happily singing to a One Direction song, hair blowing in the wind and she looked so... happy. I couldn't help it. I guess it all started when I saw how well she bounded with my mother, the way they smiled brightly at each other and shared giggles. It made me happy.

It was the way her smile formed. How it came out small, but then grew larger, showing off her perfectly straight teeth. Or how she laughed hard, snorting and gasping for air. It was moments like those. 

I knew she clearly didn't want anything to do with me. She only stuck with me because of the baby. But being with her just sparked something in me. I've never spent so much time with just one girl. It was usually just make out then we end up sleeping together. 

Yes, Rose and I slept together. Yes, I remember small parts of it. Her innocence was everything to me. I remember a lot of times that night she would ask 'What's that?' or 'What are you doing?' But most of it was still a blur.

Rose's POV

        "Hey Rosie," Macy greeted me as we embraced in a tight hug. "Ugh, it's felt like forever." She placed her hands on the side of my stomach, mouth wide. "And my gosh! You've gotten bigger!'

"Thanks for pointing that out," I giggled, letting go of each other. 

"How far along are you? When will you find out the gender? Do you like any names? How's Mr. Hot Stuff, Caleb?" She winked with her last question and I giggled, sitting on my bed.

"I'm about seventeen weeks. We find out the gender in about two or three weeks. I haven't decided on any names. And Caleb is good. He's helping me a lot, actually." I replied, immediately regrettibng my last sentence, knowing how she was going to take it.

"Ohhh! Help's you a lot. By what exactly?" She giggled, blowing kissy faces at herself in the mirror. I sighed, wishing I could be as confident as Macy. The Blonde Beauty. 

"Just with things. He listens to me talk, and him being here makes things a little more easy." I said and she chuckled.

"You're lucky that you are having his baby. I would legit die if I found out I was pregnant with Caleb Miller's baby. He's such a babe!" She squeeled.

"Not when he's your brother's best friend." I chuckled. 

Macy tske'd, walking over to my radio and turned it on, finding a random station that played Meghan Trainor's new hit Your Lips Are Moving. "See, this is why you gotta be careful with who you sleep with."

"Tell me about it," I murmured, shaking my head. 

She grabbed her phone, sitting on my bed and silently scrolling through it. Macy was silent, for too long. I touched her shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"Ummm...." She trailed off, biting her lip. "You might wanna check Molly RIchards' FaceBook page."

I tilted my head to the side, grabbing my lab top from under the bed and quickly logging into face book, looking for Molly's page. I gasped when I saw her last FaceBook status. 

Is Rosalie Wilson pregnant... or is she just gaining weight? No, I think maybe she's pregnant.

I slammed my lab top shut, blinking rapidly. Of course I knew that the school would eventually find out I was pregnant but so soon. Oh my... they probably all think I'm a slut. I'm not a slut. Why does everything have to be so bad? Of course the school was going to believe whatever Molly said. She's like 'Queen' of the school. Everyone liked her, and she slept with the whole football team. She has a new guy ever week that she's 'madly in love with'. 

"Rosie?" Macy asked, tugging at the ends of my hair. 

"Yeah?" I asked, staring straight.

"It's gonna be okay. I'll talk to that wanna be tomorrow when we go back to school." She soothed. 

"It doesn't matter what you say. That wont change what they think of me. I bet people are spreading it around like a wild fire." I whispered.

Macy pulled me into a hug, "It'll be okay. It doesn't matter what they think of you, they don't know the truth. It only matters what your friends and family think and know, alright?"

"Okay," I smiled.

"Good." She muttered. "I am so gonna have a long talk with Molly tomorrow."

* * *

All of they're eyes were on me when I entered the school building the next morning. They all paused with what ever they were doing to stare at me, whispering hash things like, "My God! She is pregnant!" "How far along is she?" "Who's the father?" "I bet she doesn't even know" "Wasn't she like the school nerd. Man, I knew she was a freek!" I tried to ignore what they whispered, knowing what none of what they were saying was real. I finally made it to my locker, to see Macy leaning against it, looking annoyed.

"Rose!" She gasped, running over and hugging me tightly. "Oh sweetie, don't listen to what they say."

"It's fine. I-"

"Wow, look who it is. Skank sancurary over here," The annoying high pitched voice of Molly Richards screeched from behind us.

Macy rolled her eyes, clearly not having it. "Whatever Crack Whore. What are you even wearing today? Did you poor Daddy run out of money? Or does he have to keep asking my Father for it?" 

 My eyes widened as I covered my mouth, trying to hide in my giggled. "No.." She trailed off. "What are you laughing at, Slut?" Her 'group' all joined in with their annoying laughs.

I rolled my eyes, feeling anger boiling up inside me. "I'm laughing at you. Geeze, maybe Ms. Not Being Able To Keep A Guy is really starting to effect you."

"You take that back! I can get any guy I want." She hissed.

"And is sleeping with the whole foot ball team helping with that?" I demanded, stepping forward.

Molly gasped, flipping her long blonde hair over her shoulder and walking down the hallway. Her six inch high heels snapping along with her.

"Rose!" Macy giggled, wrapping her arms around me. "Where did you learn that from?"

"I watched too much Mean Girls with you," I smiled. "Now lets go to first period."

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