Chapter 9.

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        My attemps of keeping Jacob away from Caleb were failing. Mom kept constantly telling me that Caleb should come over for dinner some time to talk about my 'options' . I don't need to talk about my options with my Mom and Jacob. I am perfectly fine talking about it alone with Caleb.

But, my mother being thr stubborn woman she was, demanded and I found myself sitting on my bed texting Caleb that he needs to come for dinner tonight so we can all talk.

I felt nothing but fear and nervousness in my stomach as I slowly brushed out my damp hair, wondering that would happen. Would Caleb's and Jacob's friendship end because of me? Because I decicded to have was a mistake.

No. I thought. It was not a mistake. My baby will not be a mistake and I will not think of it as a mistake. I tied my hair into a sloppy bun and through on one of Macy's sweaters that she left here. I checked myself one last time in the mirror before I added some mascara then headed down stairs.

"Mom?" I called out, turning the corner into the kitchen to see Mom stirring a large spoon into a pot. "What are you making?" I asked once my stomach growled. I peeped into the pot to see roast beaf and patatos being tossed around.

"My favorite stew. How does it smell?" She smiled.

"Delicious. When will it be ready?" I quickly asked and she chuckled, patting my cheek.

"Oh, the cravings. It'll only get worse." She smiled brightly. "Go check on Jacob. He's in the living room."

I nodded, walking into the living room where Jacob was sitting on the couch, glaring at the front door. 

"Jake..." I trailed off, sitting next to him. "You promised that you would be nice. Please don't hurt him."

"Why are you defending him?" He looked at me. "He ruined your life. He had sex with you and got you pregnant."

"He's the father of my baby," I said sternly with a straight face. "If you cannot accept that then.. I don't care."

Just as he was about to say something else, the door bel rang and I got off the couch, rushing towards the door before Jacob had any ideas.When I pulled open the door, I couldn't help but let out a small gasp when I saw Caleb standing at the door. He wore a pair of black jeans, navy blue VANS and i demin blue button up shirt. His hair was styled perfectly and his ocean blue eyes were wide when he saw me.

"Hello," I cleared my throat. "Come in."

"Thanks," He muttered, stepping inside of the house. 

He walked by my side as we walked into the living room where Jacob still sat on the couch, glaring at Caleb. I gave him a ' be nice ' look before looking up at Caleb. "I'm gonna go help my mom in the kitchen,"

He nodded, giving me a strange look. I gave Jacob one more warning look before I walked into the kitchen where my mom was sprinking spices into the pot. "Can I help with anything?"

"Yes, grab some bowls and spoons from the dish washer then pour some ice tea into the cups." She instructed and I did what she said, moving slowly to burn some time. I hoped that things were going well in there with them. There was no yelling but I'm sure harsh glares were being thrown.

"Could you move any slower?" Mom chuckled, already dumping some stew into the bowls.

"Sorry," I muttered, picking up my pace. "Mom do you think you can get me a job?"

"A job? Why would you want a job?"

"So I can help with paying for the babies things. I want to start saving up now so when the time comes to start buying things I'll have enough." I explained.

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