Chapter 10.

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        "You'll be fine," Caleb soothed as we walked up the drive way to his parents house. Through my denies and arguments, me managed to talk me into coming to his house to tell his parents about the pregnancy.

"How do I look?" I asked, spreading out my arms. I wore a hoodie to cover up the small baby bump, a pair of light wash jeans and my new pair of white VANS. He smiled, pushing my hands back down.

"Great," He muttered. "Now lets go." He took a few long strides up the rest of the drive way leaving me behind him to catch up. He unlocked the keys to the front door, and we stepped inside the house, facing a long hallways straight ahead and to the left a case of stairs. On the right there was a medium sized desk with a variety of pictures on there. I could make out the ones that were Caleb from the bright blue eyes and his hair seemed to be a blonder color when he was a baby.

"Are you ready for my dad to pull out the shot gun on me?" He chuckled and my eyes widened, staring at him.

"I'm only kidding," He chuckled once again. "This way," I followed him down the hall way where we came to a door that he slided open and there was a living room. It was very large, a lot larger than mine with pictures covering every inch of the mall.

There was a lady in the kitchen, with long beautiful golden brown hair, Caleb's color, and bright green eyes. Her skin was tan, and she stood at about five foot six, towering over my five foot-two length. I preassumed the beautiful lady was his mother, and his father who had black hair with ocean blue eyes and was taller than Caleb by the looks of it.

"Mom, Dad. I want you to meet someone." He said. "Rose, this is my Mom and Dad."

"Hello Rose," His Mother smiled, walking over to me and grabbing my hand. Her hand was small, and smooth along with her voice that sounded like a beautiful night.

"Hello Mrs. Miller," I smiled back.

"Oh no. Please call me Mary. Mrs. Miller makes me feel so old," She giggled and I developed her personality. She was a very sweet lady, seemed very caring and a loving mother.

"Hi Rose," His Father greeted, walking over to me and shaking my hand as well. His voice was hard, deep, but his smile and the crinkle by his eyes spoke different. "Call me Tom,"

"Hello Tom," I smiled once again.

"This your girl friend?" He asked, looking over at Caleb who I was leaning into. I straightened up quickly, not realizing how close I was to him.

"No.." He glanced down at me. "That's what I wanted to talk to you guys about." 

"Oh goodness," Mary sighed. "Well come sit on the couch."

"What is it?" Tom asked, sitting next to Mary on the couch and he grasped her hand tightly in his. I mentally smiled at the affection, wishing that I could be married and pregnant with a man who looks at me the way he looks at her.

"Um... Rose is uh, Rose is pregnant and the baby is mine," He rushed.

Mary let out a gasp, slowly moving her hand to cover her mouth and Tom did the same, looking away. I looked down at my white shoes, suddenly wishing I didn't agree to come here. I hadn't prepared myself for their reactions. I swallowed, glancing at Caleb from the corner of my eye to see him stiff and twitching out of nervousness. After a moment passed, Caleb spoke.

"Dad, please say something." Caleb spoke.

"What do you expect me to say?" His tone was more rough when he spoke this time. "We always told you to use protection!"

"I did use protection but the condom broke. I was her first." He quickly added and Jim's eyes darted over to me.

"Is it true? Is it his?"

"Yes," I whispered and was slightly offended that he would ask me that. Of course he was my first, I hadn't ever slept with anyone before. Heck, I haven't even had my first boyfriend. I've kissed one guy all my life and that was in second grade when James Hockens was dared to kiss me but I kicked him in the shin after. 

"How did this happen," Mary whispered, tears in her eyes.

"At the Christmas party," He muttered and it all came back to me. I nearly fogot this was the house the party was in. The house I had lost my virginity in... I shook my head, trying to het those memories out of my head. "When you and Dad went out of town I threw a party, everyone was drunk and she happened to be in my room..."

"Wait a minute," Tom said, pointing a long finger at me. "Your Jacob's little sister. You knocked up your best friends little sister. Jesus Caleb!"

"It wasn't on purpose!" He argued and Jim shook his head.

"Do your parents know about this? Your brother?" He asked.

"Yes," I nodded. "He came over and ate dinner with my family last week."

"How far along are you, sweet heart?" Mary spoke after a long moment. 

"Fifteen weeks," I uttered, then looked up at Caleb's confused face. "Three and a half months."

Tom sighed heavily. "This was an accident, right. None of this was planned."

"Right," Both Caleb and I answered.

"I can't believe this," Marry said.

"I think you both made the right choice on telling us earlier." Tom said.

"How do you feel about this whole situation, Rose?" Mary asked.

I looked down for a moment, gathering up all my words before looking back up. "I have never felt so guilty. I am ashamed, mostly of myself for letting this happen. I feel ashamed for dragging Caleb down with me, along with my family and you guys. I never thought about this happening to me. I have had straight A's since I started middle school, and I have honor roll. During Summer I volunter at Shelters for animals and the need. It was a mistake, one that will change my whole life and I have never been so confused about a situation before."

"So your the good girl that my annoying sson got pregnant," Tom smiled and shook his head. "You have honor roll and volunteer and Shelter for free time. Shucks, if you were my daughter I would have shot Caleb in the leg by now."

Caleb snorted through his nose and rolled his eyes at the same time while I looked up at him and gave him a small smile.

"Okay, I know I am going to sound like a crazy lady but can I see your stomach please?" She asked then got up, walking over to me as my cheeks heated up.

"Sure," I muttered, pulling up my hoodie and shirt a little to show my bump.

"Oh my," She whispered, smiling and placing a gentle hand on my stomach. "I can tell this baby is going to be a precious one."

"I know," I agreed, smiling down at my baby.

After about nearly two hours of being at the Miller's house, Mary and I had gotten so much more closer and talked about the baby. Mom had texted me, telling me to come home because she had made dinner and Mary gave a long tight hug, patting my stomach. I shook Toms hand before he pulled me into a hug apologizing for Caleb, then let me go.

"You ready?" Caleb asked as I finished saying my goodbyes.


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