Chapter 14.

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One Week Later...

        "How's everything with shool?" Mom asked while we sat down together at a ice cream polar. She declared that ever since I told her about the pregnancy I haven't been spending enough time with her. Same with Macy, she seems to be distanting herself to be hanging out with her other friends. I had no place to complain because I couldn't do much with her.

"Good. I have a lot of testing to do. School's gonna be over in about a month. I can't believe I'm graduating next month." I said, shaking my head in disbelief.

Mom smiled, "I'm so proud of you sweetie. I know you didn't ask to be pregnant, but don't let the baby ruin anything in your life."

"The baby isn't going to ruin anything in my life," I muttered, looking down at my ice cream.

"I know that. I'm just saying that you came so far since you started high school. You stayed up late on nights working on school project or just making sure that you did every problem on your homework. You deserve to go to a great college." 

"I'll get there one day. For now I have other things to focus on." I muttered. "Mom, do you want me to have a boy or girl?"

"I'll take whatever God blesses you with." She beamed.

"I will be happy with either one, but what would you prefur?" I asked.

"I think a girl would be nice. Your brother is rooting for a boy." She chuckled.

"That's not a surprise." I giggled

For the rest of the time, we talked about the baby and her new job while eating our ice cream. I have to admit, I'm gonna be sad leaving my Mom to go live with Caleb, but the place is only a few miles away so I could visit her anytime.

* * *

"When do we plan on moving in the new place?" Caleb asked as he sat on the foot of my bed. I was finishing up some homework that was due this weekend, and Caleb decided to come over and ' help me ' but the only thing he had been doing the whole time was distracting me. 

"I was thinking sometime around when I graduate. Next month if that's okay with you." I suggested and he nodded.

"I'm fine with whatever time." He smiled. "I have some good news."

"What is is?" I asked, setting my pen down and grinned at him.

"I got a new job that pays a lot more money than my last job." He said.

I leaped across the bed, landing in his arms. "Caleb, thats so good! I'm so proud of you!" I grabbed his face in my palms and pressed a chasite kiss to his soft lips.

"There's only one problem..." He trailed off once I stopped kissing every inch of his face. "I have to work a lot more hours so when the baby comes I don't think I will be able to be around."

I frowned, "What are your hours?"

"It changes throught the week. I work late nights on Monday's, Wednsdays, and Saturdays. But I will still be around." 

"Yeah I know," I sighed, climbing off his lap. "I mean, we would have to get money some way but as long as you get to see him or her then it will be okay."

"Your so understanding," He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "And smart," He kissed my cheeks, lips barley hovering over the skin. My eyes widend when his lips moved down, skimming over mine, "Lets not forget beautiful."

Not being able to help myself, I leaned up and kissed him. This time, with more passion. Ever since I had gotten pregnant my hormones flew out the window, I felt like a thirteen year old boy going through puberty sometimes, constantly being horny. With Caleb around, always looking so... hot, it was a big challenge.

Just as things were beginning to heat up, meaning his hands were gripping my waist and his tongue was exploring my mouth, I felt a hard jerk inside me. I gasped, pulling away from Caleb and placing a hand on my stomach.

"Are you okay?" He asked, eyes wide and hair wild.

"I think... I think I just felt it kick," I breathed out, staring down at my stomach. I had felt it move inside me a few times, but it felt like a flutter, as if there was a few fished swimming around in your stomach. This time, there was an actual kick.

I grabbed Caleb's hand and placed it on my stomach, "I swear the baby just kicked me,"

"Well looks like its gonna be a little kicker." He chuckled.

"All babies kick around this time, but I'm just so shocked." I was mentally urging for the baby to kick again, I wanted to know that the baby was there.

"It's not kicking anymore," He said and I sighed, removing his hand from my torso. 

"Maybe you will be able to feel it next time." I grinned.

"Hopefully," He grinned then came closer to me. "Now, where were we?"

I giggled, pushing against his chest gently. "I have to finish my homework."

He groaned, "Yeah I know." He sat beside me on the bed and watched me finish the rest of my homework.

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