Chapter 4.

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Two and a half months later...

        I jumped on my bed, trying to fasten the button on my favorite black jeans, which seemed to fit me last week. I let out a groan, sucking in my bloated stomach, and the button popped in. My huff of breath came out quick, in which I was relieved since I thought I would have to toss them. I threw on a sweater, glad that it was early Feburary and the weather was cold. Winter was always my favorite time of the year because that means cold nights bundled in blankets, sipping on hot chocolate while watching Netflix.

"Rosie!" My mother called from downstairs and I was straightening the last pieces of my hair.

"Yeah!" I yelled back, setting the straightener down on the counter.

"Breakfast is ready! Come down in a few!" I thanked her, quickly finishing the last strands in a rush to to my growling stomach. I unplugged the straightener, pinning back a few strands, then took long strides down stairs where the smell of my moms delicious pancakes filled my nose.

"Smells good," I praised her while grabbing a plate and piling on food. I stacked on two hot blue berry pancakes, hash browns, eggs, four pieces of bacon, two orange slices, and a glass of milk. 

"Someone's hungry," She chuckled and I grinned.

"Yeah, it just all smells so good," I said, walking over to the dinner table and scarfing down the food on my plate. Once I was halfway done with the food, I chugged my milk then placed my dishes in the sink. 

I grabbed my book bag, and headed out to the car where my Mom drove me to school. "Have a nice day, sweetie."

"Thanks Mom, you too." I said, getting out of the car. 

Half way done th Senior hall, my stomach began to feel weird. It turned, and a sharp pain hit my stomach. I let out a gasp, clutching my stomach and leaning against a locker.

"Hey, you!" Macy chirped walking over to me. "You feeling okay?"

"Yeah, sorry. My stomach is just hurting. I ate too fast this morning and its coming back to me." I stood from the locker and we made our way down the hall. 

"You've been eating a lot lately. But its been going in all the right places." She giggled, gently pushing my arm.

I groaned, "I wish it would stop. My boobs are starting to feel sore."

"They've been getting bigger too." She laughed and I shook my head. 

Just as we stopped in front of my locker, I felt my stomach churn, and bile build up in my throat. "Oh God!" I gasped, slapping my hand over my mouth and running down the hall to the nearest bathroom. I ran to the biggest stall, ignoring looks from Freshman, and threw up my whole break fast into the toilet. 

"Rose!" Macy gasped and I felt her clampy hands brush across my kneck and hold my hair back while I continued to vomit my guts into the toilet. I groaned, and slumped against the wall. Macy handed me a napkin and some mints which I took gratefuly.

"Geeze, your throwing up like my cousin when she was pregnant... maybe your pregnant." She chuckled then shook her head. "Thats crazy, to be pregnant you would of have to had sex,"

Flash backs to the night with Caleb clouded my mind. I bit my lip, thinking about how his soft lips felt against my skin. The way he held my body with such care and tenderness. How gentle he was with me, constantly asking if I was alright. 

"Rosalie!" She cried, snapping me out of my thoughs. "Dont tell me you..."

"It was a mistake," I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes, and running down my cheeks. 

Her mouth fell open as she sat on the floor next to me. "Tell me what happened. Who was it? When did this happen?"

"Caleb... it was at his Christmas party. After the girl spilled her drink on me I went looking for a bathroom and I ended up in his room. He came into the room and tried to seduce me but I fell for it and we ended up having sex." I said, then much louder, "Gosh I am such a slut!"

"No, you are not a slut. That party was about two months ago, have you had any sympons?" She asked.

I nearly chocked on my own tears, "I've gained wait, my boobs got bigger. I've been so hungry, and my mood changes so quickly."

"Those are definitly signs. Tell me, Rose. When was the last time you had your period,"

"A week before the party," I stared blankly at the tile floor of the bathroom. Soon coming to realize that I haven't started my period last month, or this month. "What if I'm pregnant!"

"Calm down-" She started.

"No! What if I am pregnant! I can't be a Mom! I'm seventeen years old! I dont have a job... I rely on my Mom for things! I have to focus on school, and I cant be distracted by some baby! I had dreams to go to college and get a good job, be married then have kids! I... I." I began to sob harder, leaning onto Macy while she wrapped her arms around me.

"Listen, Rose. Your jumping to conclusions like you always do. Meet me here during lunch and during Study Hall I'll go out and buy you one. To see if its true or not." She comforted me and I nodded. 

"Thank you so much," I whispered. 

We sat on the floor for a while, and I let out my last few sobs before walking out of the stall and to the sinks, staring at myself in the mirror. I had red blothces under my eyes and around my cheeks, my eyes were red, and my nose was running. I looked like a mess.

"Clean yourself up. This period is almost over." Macy said, walking out the the stall and standing in the sink next to me. 

I splashed water over my face, rubbing away the red marks, then dried my face off with the paper towels. I fixed up my hair, thanking Macy when she handed me some mascara, which I did horrible on, but it helped. Just when I finished, the bell for passing period rang, and we walked out of the bathroom.

"Are you gonna tell Caleb?" She asked once we made it to my locker.

"I can't keep something like this from him. I will have to tell him, eventually, but I just dont know how, or when." I said, pulling out my books, and note books.

"You should tell him, soon. Maybe even today," She said.

"Maybe. Its Friday, so I think I should." I responded and she agreed.

"Great, well I have to get to Math. Mr. Drake is a pain in the ass when students come late. Bye." I waved good bye to her, and watched as Macy ran down the hall.

I took my time, walking to Chemistry, thinking about the baby. If I really was pregnant, how would I be able to afford it? What will I do about school? My Mom? Even my brother. Shaking my head, I sat in my assigned seat and pulled out my phone.

I need to talk to you, its urgent. ~Rose

Caleb texted me back the moment  sent it.

I'll pick you up after school ~Caleb

I put my phone away, ready for another boring lesson of the day.

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