◇ Part 2: Training ◇

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The next morning I soon wake up, with the bed covers around me.

Bee must have laid me in bed last night, after I fell asleep on his shoulder.

I stay in bed for a minute, letting the sun kiss my face through the window.

I feel the night stand beside the bed for my glasses.

I soon feel them, clean and put them on, I blink a few times before getting out of bed tired, stretching, cracking my back in the process, as I yawned.

I look at the black duffel bag on the desktop chair. I open it and find a purple and black jumpsuit.

It must be my first day of training might as well take a shower.

The door opens, startling me a little.

"You ready for your first day?" Carol asks walking in.

"Yeah I was just about to take a shower." I said going to the closet, looking for a towel.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat breakfast first?" Carol asked me, crossing her arms waiting.

"I don't eat breakfast in the morning." I said grabbing a big and small towel.

"In that case you're eating breakfast." Carol says grabbing my arm, taking me to the kitchen.

"So what do you wanna eat?" Carol asks me, picking up a old house looking phone on the counter.

"Do you guys have chicken biscuits?" I asked with my stomach growling.

Carol laughs, covering her hand over the phone.

"Yeah. Is that what you want?" She asks me.

I nod my head yes.

"We'll I'll order it for you while you take your shower." She says me, talking to the kitchen on the phone.

"Thanks." I said walking to my room.

"No problem." Carol says back to me, as I opened my room door.

I go to my room and get my jumpsuit and head to the bathroom.

I've never had a bathroom inside my room before.

When I walk in the bathroom it is white with dark blue tiles and had a amazing sent.

I see a basket on the sink counter with bath and body works in it.

It smells like flowers and peaches.

I take the body wash and take off my clothes and hop in the shower.

I felt the warm sensation of the water on my skin. It felt like I could wash all my troubles away.
In the middle of my shower I hear a knock on the door.

"Vic , someone special is hear to see you~." Carol said through the door teasingly.

" Is that really necessary?!" I hear Bee say in an embarrassed tone.

I get out of the shower and dry off. I start to hum while putting on my jumpsuit.

I walk out of the bathroom with my curly hair wet.

Bee was sitting on my bed once I came out, he looks at me and stands up. 

He has a shy smile on his face and his face is turning red.

"So good morning to you to." I said blushing a little.

" Uh oh yeah right sorry." Bee said quickly getting up.

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