¤ Chapter 13: Bumpy Road ¤

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We road on the way to Nest for three  hours so far and I keep looking behind us making sure we weren't followed.

Once in a while Bee and Smokescreen would drive faster, desperate to entertain themselves.

I had to order them not to for the safety of the humans.

Smokescreen said I was starting to sound like Optimas, but I really didn't mind.

I started to get nervous just thinking about the war.

Will I be able to save our planet?

What if I fail?

What will happen to my parents and little brother?

Am I really ready for this?

Should I have stayed at Nest and forget school, the chance of being half human?

I zone back in realizing that I've been missing with my fingers the whole time while panicking.

Bee grabs my hands stopping me from messing with my fingers, he gently rubs my knuckles with his thumb to calm me down.

"It's okay, there's nothing to worry about." He said gently moving some hair out of my eyes.

"I don't know. There's so much that can happen in a short of time. I feel like somethings coming." I whispered shaking.

Bee comes closer and kisses my cheek, I blushed from his actions. 

Well aren't you making the moves recently, I thought.

He smiles shyly and kisses my forehead.

"It'll be alright my flower, I promise." He said smiling lovingly.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to promise anything you can't keep." I said sadly, looking at the car floor.

" I will do everything to keep the promise, I'm not leaving you alone broken. Not again, not ever." He said.

"Bee?" I said softly, still looking at the floor.

"Yeah?" He asked looking down at me, with love filled eyes.

"I promise to try to survive the war, and if I don't make it. I want you to know that......BEE!!! GO INTO THE WOODS WITH SMOKESCREEN!!!" I screamed ,as Bee did what I ordered.

Smokescreen followed automatically.

"Cons." I whispered, as looked through Bee's review mirror. 

"WHAT DO THEY WANT WITH YOU?!" Bri screamed through Bee's radio.

"They want me on there side." I told her ,as Bee swerved to the left as Stinger's alt mode passes by.

I cursed in cybertronian.

Bee looks at me shocked.

"Got it from Prowl." I told him, with a nervous smile.

"We'll talk about that later." He says to me, shaking his head. 

Teddy, Brian, and Carol wasn't followed because the Cons wanted me, Bee let's me out the same with Smokescreen, to Bri.

Bee and Smokescreen transform along with Stinger and his con friend. Bri was staring at Smokescreen amazed.

I picked up my backpack, grabbed her hand, and ran off deep into the woods.

I use my warrior token and the metal wrapped around me.

I pulled out one of my cybertronian guns and aimed it just like Ironhide taught me.

I looked and saw Bri looking worried for Smokescreen while he fought the con. Smokescreen must have won because Bri smiled.

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